Our Kratom Company Credo

“Mother Nature is not tarnished by imperfections. She revels in it, magnifying the beauty of her creation.”

Philosophical Ruminations Propel Us.

The purpose of Prometheus Products is not only to market nootropics but to give alchemical alkaloids a seat in our society. Since the dawn of civilization, esoteric knowledge of herbal remedies belonged to initiates of ancient mystery schools, the primitive forerunner of science. Today, scientific development blazes forward, yet plant wisdom has become overshadowed. Therefore, Prometheus Products works to preserve a link to ethnobotanicals for all of mankind.

Entheogenic Herbs Impel Us.

Indeed, when we look back in history, native cultures venerated the indigenous plants around them, using them for sacred and ceremonial purposes that allowed the partaker direct access to the divine experience. Afterward, as customs progressed, ethnobotany shows those practices evolved alongside it, moving to traditional herbal folk remedies. However, nowadays, more developed nations lost that primal connection to the natural world and blockaded our communion with the Earth.

Botanical Revolutions Compel Us. 

Meanwhile, for too long, governmental and corporate structures have conspired together, obstructing humanity from particular plants and their therapeutic properties. And those scientific communities unearthed such botanical discoveries by observing the tribal practices of herbalism. Then, the combined global industries replaced naturopathy with synthetic substances, unbalancing the natural order of the world. But our apothecary performs to help bridge that gap, grounding us back to our planet through the power of plants.

Kratom leaves


Prometheus Products is proud to provide access to Mother Earth’s therapeutic botanical alchemy found in Gaia’s gifts of nature. Those molecular alkaloids and chemical compounds assist humanity with its trajectory of evolution on our planet, dispensing sustenance to both our lives and souls. The Universe connects everything. Particular plants within our world share a sacred bond with our species. The microcosm resides within the macrocosm. To illustrate, molecular structures observed in botany are all the living proof we need.

Kratom flower growing on kratom tree.
Large kratom leaves growing on plant.


Prometheus Products has a responsibility to its customers to promote wellness throughout the world. And that focus begins at the molecular level. So, to make certain we obtain the highest quality kratom on the market, a third-party accredited laboratory performs microbial and heavy metal testing on every batch of kratom we receive. An independent lab allows for an unbiased, extensive analysis to be conducted, making sure our kratom products are not laden with contaminants or other harmful materials. Above all, our customer’s safety will always be the primary priority of Prometheus Products.


Prometheus Products holds Mitragyna speciosa near and dear to our heart. Kratom has helped innumerable people—with diverse backgrounds—to overcome obstacles and afflictions in their daily lives. And our ability to supply our customers with access to such an obscure leaf, discovered in the rainforests of Southeast Asia, is the most rewarding feeling ever. Consequently, we treat kratom with the reverence it deserves. And that commitment to our craft reflects in the quality of our products: it’s a company culture we’ll always stand behind.

Kratom trees in the rain forest.