Prometheus Products Logo and Emblem situated over Kratom Plants in the background.

How Much Kratom Dosage To Take?

There are a few questions that everyone asks when they want to try kratom for the first time. The initial question they usually seek an answer for is: “Where can you buy quality kratom?” Then, when they find a source for some high-grade kratom, other questions shortly follow. But they all revolve around the same theme. How much kratom is the proper dosage of kratom? How much kratom should get consumed for pain? What is a standard kratom dosage? How much kratom for opiate withdrawals?

So, let us jump into the fray and cover some of those bases for you.

What Is The Correct Dosage For Kratom?

Like most things, there is not a clear-cut answer for how much kratom dosage you should take for your scenario. Everyone’s biological makeup is different from each other. So, your body chemistry must get formulated into the equation. And that is not just for choosing your kratom dosage, either. Your physiological conditions also play a role in how the kratom dose will affect you personally.

However, in general, there are recommended standard kratom dosages for guidelines. But please note, these suggested kratom dose amounts are not set-in-stone. So, try experimenting with your kratom dose to determine your unique measurement of kratom needed. And please remember that less is always better.

Low Kratom Dosage

The average amount of kratom that is generally considered a low dosage of kratom is 3 grams or less.

Moderate Kratom Dosage

For the average moderate dose of kratom, the commonly used amount is between 3 to 5 grams of kratom.

High Kratom Dosage

Sometimes a higher dose of kratom is needed. On average, 5 to 7 grams of kratom is considered a higher dosage of kratom.

Strong Kratom Dosage

Anything higher than 7 grams of kratom would fall under an extremely potent dose of kratom. The majority of kratom users do not take this much kratom per dose. The effects can be overwhelming to the uninitiated.

Finding Your Optimized Kratom Dosage

There is no standard amount that you must take. So, take the opportunity to learn the optimal kratom dosage for your body. Start with a gram and wait 30 minutes. If you are not getting the intended results, take another gram. Afterward, wait for another half-hour to pass. Commence with the same process until you can feel the desired effects. But do not push the boundaries. Less is always better. Too much of a good thing can produce unwanted consequences. And finally, remember that ideal kratom dosage you just took for your future doses.   

How To Weigh Kratom Powder

Well, up to this point, we have discussed the varying kratom dosages you can take. But all the kratom doses are weighed out in grams. So, we will go over a few quick ways to determine how to make sure you take the proper dosage of kratom in weight. Here are a few ways to weigh kratom at your home.

  1. Use scales to weigh the kratom powder.
  2. Use measuring utensils at your home—like teaspoons or tablespoons.
  3. Purchase kratom capsules to take.

Buying a digital scale would make weighing kratom an easy task. However, cheaper digital scales can give false weights. You get what you pay for: inexpensive scales are inaccurate. Also, you must make sure to tare the scale before weighing. That makes sure the scale is recalibrating each time.

As for other ways to weigh kratom, let us discuss how measuring out kratom with those additional methods works.

How Much Does A Teaspoon of Kratom Weigh?

A teaspoon of kratom weighs approximately 2 grams. Likewise, a half-teaspoon of kratom would register on a scale at close to 1 gram. A quarter teaspoon would weigh around a half gram.

How Much Does a Tablespoon of Kratom Weigh?

A tablespoon of kratom weighs approximately 6 grams. So, if you use a half-tablespoon of kratom, it will weigh somewhere around 3 grams. And a quarter tablespoon would be close to 1.5 grams.

Complications From Using Measuring Spoons To Weigh Kratom

The weight of any measuring spoon of kratom can vary. The volume of the kratom powder has outside factors to consider. Here are a few things that affect the measurement of kratom using these utensils:

  • The measuring spoon that you use to measure the kratom.

Not all measuring spoons are identical. Depending on the manufacturer, slight variations are noticeable. But even using the same measuring spoon each time to weigh kratom is not foolproof.

  • The extent of compression placed on the kratom in the measuring spoon.

Packing as much kratom in the teaspoon will provide a different weight of kratom than gently scooping it out of the package. A light scoop of kratom allows the kratom to remain loosely packed.

  • The batch of kratom you are weighing.

All batches of kratom are different. The drying process length can vary. The fermentation process may take longer. The environmental conditions of the kratom tree may play a part, too. The season and year can change the finished product.

How Much Does A Capsule of Kratom Weigh?

There are various sizes of kratom capsules on the market. But the most common sizes used for kratom capsules are either an “00” or “000” sized capsule. So, you may not find any other options online. But you could make your own.

The measurement varies along with the capsule used. And the density of the kratom in the pill affects the weight. But for densely packed kratom capsules, an estimated weight of the kratom per cap is listed below for each size.  

  • Size “000” Kratom Capsule — 1000 milligrams of kratom per pill.

(An approximated number: results can vary.)

  • Size “00” Kratom Capsule — 750 milligrams of kratom per pill.

(An approximated number: results can vary.)

  • Size “0” Kratom Capsule — 500 milligrams of kratom per pill.

(An approximated number: results can vary.)

  • Size “1” Kratom Capsule — 400 milligrams of kratom per pill.

(An approximated number: results can vary.)

  • Size “2” Kratom Capsule — 300 milligrams of kratom per pill.

(An approximated number: results can vary.)

  • Size “3” Kratom Capsule — 200 milligrams of kratom per pill.

(An approximated number: results can vary.)

How Long Does It Take For Kratom To Kick In And Be Felt?

The duration of time it takes to feel the effects of kratom varies with the person. Several factors can change the absorption rate. A person’s tolerance, age, physiological condition, metabolism, weight, and sex can play a role in the pharmacokinetics of kratom within the body.  Also, daily routines can affect the outcome as well. The method for taking kratom changes the results. Food can slow down the overall time required for your body to absorb kratom’s alkaloids. And alcoholic beverages can alter the outcome, too.

But, generally speaking, you should feel the effects somewhere between 30 minutes to an hour after ingesting the kratom.

How Often Can You Take Kratom?

A large portion of kratom consumers uses kratom daily. Some take kratom multiple times throughout each day. Everyone’s situation is unique. But on average, daily kratom users usually take a kratom dose three separate times a day. The number of times that you will need to take kratom depends on your scenario.

Kratom Not Working? Here Are Some Suggestions

If the kratom is not working like the product should, then here are ways to troubleshoot the problem.

Check to make sure you are taking the right dosage of kratom.

Perhaps the amount of kratom you are taking is too low. Physiological conditions vary for everyone. And substances affect each other differently. So, you must make sure to find your correct personal dosage. Experiment with your kratom dosages to discover the proper amount that works for you. But make sure you slowly add extra amounts of kratom in small increments. Less is always better.

Your daily routine could be a factor.

Taking kratom on a full stomach can reduce the desired effects. Also, a lack of sleep or stressful conditions can decrease the odds of having a pleasant experience. And drinking alcohol while taking kratom counteracts any therapeutic benefits.

Did you purchase your kratom from a reputable kratom company?

The quality of kratom can also play a role in not getting the desired outcome. Some companies sell poor-quality kratom. Suppliers in Indonesia add filler botanicals into their finished batch. So, make sure you purchase from a dependable company.

Plus, every batch of kratom can have different concentrations of alkaloids. No shipment of kratom is identical to another. That can make the results vary—from time to time.

Do you have a tolerance built up?

Continually taking kratom will ultimately lead to the development of tolerance in your biological system. And if you take other pain medications like opiates, it can also create complications for feeling the effects of kratom. Nobody wants to build up dependence. So, before you continually raise the amount of kratom you take, you should preferably take a small break from kratom to allow the tolerance to subside.

Kratom Tolerance

Like any substance you ingest for therapeutic effects, the risk of tolerance exists. Caffeine, sugar, and refined carbs are but a few of those addictive foods. Kratom is no different. However, there are a few ways to manage any effects felt from kratom tolerance.

How To Lower Kratom Tolerance

  1. The easiest way to manage your kratom tolerance is by taking a break from kratom. That allows your kratom tolerance to reset.
  • How long does it take for a kratom tolerance to reset?

Three or more days without taking kratom provides the necessary kratom tolerance break. And a week will completely reset any tolerance to kratom.

  1. Try lowering your dose for a while. Give your body a chance to adjust to the decreased amount of kratom before increasing your kratom dosage again.
  1. Change the times that you take kratom throughout the day. Taking kratom at different times messes with your biological clock and can make the kratom effects stronger.
  1. Alternate the strain of kratom you are using can help. Different strains of kratom have differing concentrations of alkaloids. A fluctuation of kratom products can decrease overall tolerance.

Try Switching Kratom Strains

Rotating kratom strains helps to keep tolerance away. Try the different kratom varieties available.

Buy each kratom variety and alternate between them.

Combine Kratom with Potentiators

There are different foods, beverages, spices, and herbs that potentiate kratom. The chemical compounds react in our brains together with the kratom alkaloids to amplify and heighten the euphoric kratom effects. The increased intensity makes it possible to use smaller doses to get the same impact from the kratom. And that allows you to lower your tolerance for a while.

Kratom Affects Some People Differently

Kratom comes in different varieties. As a result, there are small differences in the alkaloid content. Likewise, everyone has different biological and brain chemistry functions than other people. So, some individuals experience different kratom effects than others. Nobody can promise a desired result from taking kratom. The end effect touted by one person is not guaranteed for another. Every therapeutic substance works that way.

Possible Side Effects Of Kratom

Since kratom affects people differently, we should discuss the possible side effects. The odds are slim that you will experience any unwanted reactions to kratom. Still, it is best to know any potential problems before they occur. Here are the most common side effects.

  • Constipation
  • Dehydration
  • Gastrointestinal Issues

However, there are things you can do to mitigate the small risk of the side effects. Drink plenty of water. Eat balanced meals. And more importantly, maintain your necessary daily fiber intake.

How Much Kratom Does It Take To Get High?

For people looking to get their buzz on, they are quick to ask us, “How much kratom to get high?”

Look, we cannot knock your hustle. The reasons for why you take kratom is nobody’s business but yours. We understand everyone seeks ways to reach an altered state of consciousness. People have been doing it since civilization first learned about medicinal plants or fermentation processes. Life can get taxing on the mind and spirit. So, everyone looks for ways to escape reality for a bit. We all do it.

But we will be honest with you. Kratom does not get you high. However, if you are a lightweight or take a heavy dose of kratom, you might feel a slight euphoria when the kratom kicks in.

Personally, we would not call that getting high from kratom. Sure, you can produce a feeling of exhilaration from taking a high dosage of kratom. But you can say the same thing about coffee. But unless you believe a caffeine buzz is getting high, you will not think the same about kratom.

And we are satisfied with that fact. Kratom is a natural therapeutic supplement meant for those seeking an alternative means to combat complications in their lives. Kratom is a sacred plant. We should treat it with the reverence it deserves.

*** This information is intended for educational purposes only. The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements.

These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Anyone suffering from any disease, illness, or injury should consult with a physician. Always seek counsel from your doctor before taking dietary supplements. ***