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What Is Kratom?

Kratom originates in the tropics. Kratom is the common name for a tropical species of trees whose botanical name is Mitragyna speciosa. The kratom species belongs to a flowering family of plants referred to as the Rubiaceae family. That is the same family as the coffee plant. Both coffee and kratom produce slight stimulating effects when you drink them.

A Dutch botanist, Pieter Willem Korthals, found out about the kratom plant in the early 19th Century while working for the East India Company. His historical recordings are touted by many as the discovery of kratom. However, the locals in the region had already been using the herbal concoction for centuries as traditional medicine.

The History of Using Kratom as a Traditional Medicine in Southeast Asia

Indigenous cultures used kratom for many centuries as a type of folk medicine. Indigenous tribes throughout Southeast Asia would chew or drink kratom primarily as an herbal remedy for fatigue. The stimulating properties of kratom helped ward off exhaustion as workers labored out in the fields of plantations.

Kratom was used as a traditional medicine for various ailments by locals in the region. Historical reports indicate that natives used kratom to relieve discomfort and relax the individual during sickness. However, today we hear about other possible uses for kratom from anecdotal claims. Even John Hopkins Medicine reports that consumers take kratom for several therapeutic effects.

Nevertheless, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved kratom for medical purposes. Therefore, we cannot go into detail about the specifics of medical claims surrounding kratom. However, consumers continue to drink kratom as a coffee substitute to boost daily energy levels.

Various Names for Kratom

In Southeast Asian territory, the kratom plant has many different names. Some are regional. Others are slang terms for the plant. We’ve provided some titles used to identify kratom throughout the various areas.


Mitragyna speciosa






Maeng Da





Where Does Kratom Grow Naturally?

There are several countries throughout Southeast Asia in the Asia-Pacific region where the kratom tree grows as an indigenous species. The rainforests of countries such as Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Myanmar, and Papua New Guinea are a few countries with native kratom trees. However, kratom farmers throughout the region have recently started planting kratom trees as a cash crop.

Currently, Indonesia is the largest exporter of kratom globally. The country reportedly provides the world with roughly 80-95% of its global kratom products. However, those figures are sure to change as more of the neighboring countries enter the kratom trade.

Kratom Producing Countries

The countries where kratom grows naturally provide the proper environmental conditions necessary for kratom to flourish. The hot and humid temperatures of tropical rainforests produce the optimal moisture and temperature needed. Here are some host countries for the kratom tree.

Indonesia and Kratom

Indonesia continues to dominate the kratom industry with its output of kratom exports. The vast network of rainforests throughout the Indonesian region of tropical islands produces native kratom trees. There are over 18,000 unique islands controlled by Indonesia. However, the kratom trade of Indonesia is controlled by a small handful.

  • Indonesian Regions that Grow Kratom
    • Bali
    • Borneo
    • Jongkong
    • Kalimantan
    • Papua
    • Riau
    • Sumatra
    • Sunda Islands

Indonesian government officials have flirted with some restrictive proposals for kratom regulations recently. An ongoing proposed kratom ban in Indonesia hangs in the balance. The date of that ban was pushed back until 2024.

Thailand and Kratom

For centuries, kratom was used as a folk medicine in Thailand. During World War II, locals began using it as an opium substitute. Consequently, government leaders banned the cultivation of kratom in 1943 (the Kratom Act 2486) to protect its opium trade. Then Thailand made kratom a Schedule V substance in 1979. However, its government finally decriminalized kratom in 2021. Now, it seeks to compete with Indonesia in the kratom industry. The kratom grown in Thailand has more stimulating properties than most varieties.

Malaysia and Kratom

The natives of Malaysia have enjoyed the therapeutic benefits of kratom for centuries. The trees grow wild throughout the country. However, the Malaysian government listed kratom as a psychotropic substance within the Poison Act of 1952, making it illegal. Locals still have kratom readily available on native trees. Yet, the transportation, manufacturing, or selling of kratom remains prohibited. However, the Malaysia has a thriving black market according to reports. Legal Malay kratom gets cultivated on the borders of the island of Borneo controlled by Indonesia. It shares its border with Malaysia.

Brunei and Kratom

Brunei is a small country on the coast of Borneo. The island of Borneo has kratom plantations everywhere on the portions governed by Indonesia. Kratom trees grow natively in Brunei as well.

Yet, the kratom industry remain elusive to the nation. The legislation of Brunei abides by Sharia-Islamic beliefs. The Sultan of Brunei structures the country’s court system on Islamic Sharia laws.

The Sultan place mitragynine as a Class D drug under its Schedule 1 substances in the Misuse of Drugs Act (MDA) of 1978. Plus, Brunei implemented an Intoxicating Substances Act that prohibits the use of intoxicating substances. You cannot even smoke tobacco or drink alcohol in the country legally.

However, the border of Brunei is approximately 25-30 miles from North Kalimantan where kratom grows legally in its Indonesian jurisdiction. Brunei kratom sold online gets cultivated in that region.

Vietnam and Kratom

Throughout the Mekong Delta region, kratom grows in remote areas of the Kiên Giang and An Giang provinces of Vietnam. Vietnam kratom have invigoration effects on the consumer. There are no laws in Vietnam that prohibit kratom use. Kratom is not labeled as a scheduled substance. Nevertheless, Vietnam officially decriminalized drug use through amendments in 2009. Therefore, the legality of kratom is irrelevant. You can purchase Vietnam kratom online.

Philippines and Kratom

In the Philippines, natives call kratom “mambog” after the region where it was originally cultivated in the 1800s. The high humidity and tropical conditions of the Philippines create ripe growing conditions for kratom trees. The country is dominated by one biome: the tropical rainforest. Its archipelago consists of over 7,000 tropical islands.

Fortunately, there are no laws in place to outlaw kratom in the Philippines. However, a recent pilot research exploration tested suspected kratom samples throughout regional islands of the country once the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) classified kratom as a plant-based new psychoactive substance (NPS) in 2019 worthy of monitoring. However, the Expert Committee on Drug Dependence of the UN later concluded that kratom was relatively harmless in 2021.

You can purchase kratom online from the Philippines.

Singapore and Kratom

Singapore controls the southernmost tip of the Malay Peninsula and 63 satellite islands and islets. Therefore, the climate in Singapore generates the perfect conditions for the kratom tree to grow. Mitragyna speciosa is an indigenous species in the country. However, both the alkaloids mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine are Schedule 1 substances under the Misuse of Drugs Act of 1973.

Myanmar and Kratom

Myanmar, also known as Burma, has kratom growing wild in the country. Kratom trees grow natively throughout many townships in the lower tropical region of Mon State in Myanmar. Yet, the 1993 Narcotics Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law prohibits the distribution of regulated substances. The Ministry of Health of Singapore has classified kratom as one of them.

Papua New Guinea and Kratom

Kratom grows indigenously on the island of New Guinea. Two countries control the island of New Guinea. Papua New Guinea controls the eastern half while Indonesia governs its western half. Neither country has kratom listed as a scheduled drug within the laws established by each government. You can buy New Guinea kratom online that’s cultivated from both regions.

Cambodia and Kratom

Cambodia lies to north of the southeastern section of Vietnam. It hosts a couple Mitragyna species in the country. Kratom is one of them. The country primarily looks the other direction for herbal medicines. Even though cannabis is technically illegal in Cambodia, its use is prevalent within its borders. Locals use the herb in many Khmer cuisine dishes sold in restaurants throughout the country. Currently there are no laws against kratom in Cambodia. You can purchase Cambodian kratom online.

Laos and Kratom

Laos borders the western section of Thailand and the northeastern section of Vietnam. Locals have used kratom for centuries as a folk medicine. However, while kratom grows naturally throughout Laos, the plant remains illegal in the country. Local law enforcement began actively destroying manmade kratom plantations—even uprooting the trees. The Lao Ministry of Health sent a letter to the Thai Trade Ambassador shortly after the Thai government legalized kratom in 2021. The report reminded its neighbor that kratom remains prohibited in its country.

The Botany of Kratom

Kratom trees are indigenous to the rainforests in Southeast Asia. Kratom trees belong to a class of trees called evergreens. So, the foliage on a kratom tree remains green all year long when kratom grows along the equator within the tropical region.

However, when kratom grows in colder climates, the tree becomes deciduous and loses its leaves in the fall. Its kratom leaves grow back in the spring.

The Kratom Tree

The ecosystem where the kratom tree thrives is the rainforests. There, a kratom tree can top heights of 80 to 100 feet. Kratom trees grow taller in rainforests because they compete for limited sunlight. The tallest kratom trees flourish. As the crowns of the kratom trees expand, it cuts off the light from the smaller trees below it. The branches of a kratom tree can span across 15 feet. The canopy in dense forests can block over 95% of daylight that smaller kratom trees need to reach their full potential.

However, opportunities do arise. When another kratom tree falls, it creates a gap in the canopy. Those gaps enable sunlight to reach the kratom growing close to the forest floor. Smaller kratom trees use that sunlight to fuel their growth. Whichever kratom tree outgrows its rivals will continue to grow until it reaches the gap in the canopy above. The smaller trees below it will remain stunted from the lack of sunlight. The cycle commences.

Maeng Da kratom was a name the locals gave to wild, potent kratom leaves grown in dense rainforests. The potency of Maeng Da leaves rivals kratom cultivated on farms.

Kratom trees grown on kratom plantations are much smaller. Trees on kratom farms do not have to compete for sunlight. Those trees are typically around 15 to 30 feet tall. That makes it easier on the farmers that pick the kratom leaves.

The Kratom Leaf

Kratom leaves are predominantly ovate-shaped with an entire margin—leaves with smooth edges that contain neither teeth nor lobes. Yet, a small portion of kratom leaves can uncharacteristically produce serrated edges. Those rare leaves are named horned leaf kratom.

Kratom leaves can vary in size. They get larger as they mature. Fully mature kratom leaves are approximately 6-8 inches. However, some get much larger. There are kratom leaves that grow over 2 feet long. Locals call those leaves elephant kratom since it resembles the ears of an elephant.

A kratom leaf gets classified by the color of its stem and vein. There are three separate classes of kratom leaf.

  1. White Vein Kratom
  2. Green Vein Kratom
  3. Red Vein Kratom

The alkaloid concentration of the kratom leaves changes during these cycles, producing unique alkaloid profiles for the kratom strain. Each variety delivers various kratom effects. That can affect the type of kratom benefits and the kratom dosage needed.

The Color of Kratom Leaves

The flat and thin blade-like structure that makes up the flesh of a kratom leaf is called its lamina. The color of the lamina changes as it matures. When the kratom tree sprouts new leaves, the new growth must begin processing sunlight into energy through photosynthesis to survive.

The production of a pigment called chlorophyll—a natural compound used to absorb sunlight—is necessary for the survival of the kratom leaf. Chlorophyll takes in primarily blue and red wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum. It reflects green and near-green light waves. Consequently, that’s the reason leaves appear green to us. The more chlorophyll, the greener the leaf looks.

However, kratom leaves manufacture other pigments like carotenoids. Those pigments have two groups—carotenes and xanthophylls. They produce yellow or orange hues. As a leaf matures, its chlorophyll production lessens. Then the colors of the carotenoids become more evident.

Finally, kratom leaves become a golden reddish shade during their final stage of maturity. The red color occurs from anthocyanins absorbing excess photons during diminished chlorophyll levels at maturity. That protects the leaf against photoinhibition and photooxidative damage during oxidation. Consequently, the anthocyanins make the kratom leaves turn red. That occurs before the kratom leaves will naturally fall off.

Kratom Leaf Vein Colors

The veins in a leaf are composed of two types of cells that bring water and nutrients to other parts of the plant. The xylem cells transport water, while the phloem cells transport sugar. The veins of a kratom leaf produce a pinnate venation pattern: they have a feather-like appearance sprouting out from its midrib—the thickest vein that runs down the middle of the leaf. 

The veins of a kratom leaf change color throughout its life cycle. Newly developed kratom leaves start with a white hue. Shortly after, the kratom leaf reaches its peak photosynthesis stage. At that point, the kratom leaf has green veins and a stem. Upon maturity, the carotenoids in a kratom leaf produce a reddish pigmentation. That represents the life cycle of the kratom leaf has come to an end.

When it comes to kratom type classification, the color of the vein gets used in the strain name. Therefore, you have green, red, and white kratom veins used to differentiate kratom types. However, the color of the kratom powder produced primarily depends on the fermentation and drying methods used.

White-Veined Kratom

New sprouts of kratom leaves go through a developmental phase and must adjust to harnessing water and sunlight for energy. Chlorophyll production remains limited. Therefore, the color of the kratom vein remains light green until it matures. The alkaloid concentration of younger kratom leaves has more stimulating properties since the oxidation of mitragynine into 7-hydroxymitragynine has yet to occur. Therefore, white kratom strains are more energetic.

However, most white-veined kratom strains get their name from the color of the kratom powder, which comes from fermentation and curing methods used while manufacturing kratom products.

Green-Veined Kratom

After the kratom leaf reaches its peak stage, it has the highest chlorophyll concentration. That makes the veins of the kratom leaf turn darker green as they supply more water to the chlorophyll cells around them. Green-veined kratom leaves have a perfect balance of their two primary alkaloids. Consequently, the effects of green kratom strains are well-centered.

However, most green-veined kratom strains get their name from the color of the kratom powder, which comes from fermentation and curing methods used while manufacturing kratom products.

Red-Veined Kratom

Once the leaf reaches maturity, kratom leaves start turning an amber hue. The color comes from oxidation: the deterioration of cell walls from excessive photon damage. The photo-oxidative stress leads to chlorophyll and thylakoid membranes breaking down inside kratom cell structures, leading to the synthetization of extra pigments like carotenoids and anthocyanins. That makes the kratom veins appear red. As oxidation occurs, mitragynine converts to 7-hydroxymitragynine (7-OH). The increased concentration of 7-OH provides more therapeutic effects for red strains.

However, most red-veined kratom strains get their name from the color of the kratom powder, which comes from fermentation and curing methods used while manufacturing kratom products.

Primary Kratom Alkaloids

Scientists have discovered over 54 alkaloids in Mitragyna speciosa. Over a dozen of them are commercially available in supplements and other dietary products. However, the predominant therapeutic effects of kratom come from the plant’s two primary kratom alkaloids.

  1. Mitragynine
  2. 7-Hydroxymitragynine

Mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine (7-OH) produce the dominant health benefits of kratom. Mitragynine has more energetic properties, while 7-OH has more therapeutic effects. The concentration of alkaloids shifts as the leaf matures. Consequently, the benefits produced by that batch also change.

Some people wrongfully claim that the alkaloids in kratom are opioids. However, calling any kratom alkaloid an opiate is a misnomer. No opiates or their derivatives are found anywhere within the Mitragyna speciosa plant.

How Kratom Compounds Interact With the Body and Brain

Once ingested, the two primary alkaloids have an affinity for reacting with several enzymes, receptors, and cellular barriers within our bodies. The various minor alkaloids in kratom also interact with specific receptors in the central nervous system (CNS). The scientific research surrounding those interactions produces additional data every year.

So far, here are some of the receptors we know kratom compounds stimulate to produce physical and mental therapeutic effects.

  • Opioid Receptors
  • Serotonin Receptors
  • Dopamine Receptors
  • Adrenergic Receptors

As more research comes out, we’ll better understand how those interactions generate the kratom effects that benefit consumers.

Reported Benefits of Kratom

An online kratom survey was conducted in October 2016 to collect data on reasons consumers say they take kratom. The explanations were wide-ranging since several reported effects of kratom exist. Nonetheless, most reported kratom effects provided by consumers are listed below.

  • Boosts Energy
  • Mental Focus
  • Uplift Mood
  • Prosocial Activity
  • Promotes Relaxation
  • Increases Sleep
  • Relieves Discomfort

Types of Kratom

Various kratom types are available for purchase on the market. Kratom strains come from a combination of several factors.

  1. The color of the kratom vein.
  2. The appearance of the kratom leaf.
  3. The color of the manufactured product.
  4. The mixture of kratom varieties in kratom blends.
  5. The fermentation process used in manufacturing kratom.
  6. The country or region where kratom goes through cultivation.

Various Kratom Strains

Assortment of Kratom Products on the Market

Nowadays, you can find an assortment of kratom products for sale online. You have traditional kratom powder, capsules, pills, shooters, drinks, and even processed food items made with kratom concentrates. The types of kratom products continue to grow every year. However, here are a few of the most common kratom products you can buy today.

Kratom Powder

The traditional form of kratom products comes in a powdered form. The kratom leaves are picked, dried, crushed, and put into stainless-steel-industrial-strength machinery to grind the kratom into a powder mixture. Traditionally, consumers make tea with kratom powder. However, you can mix it with drinks, food, or a smoothie. Some kratom users prefer the “toss and wash” method, where you toss a spoonful of kratom in your mouth and follow it with a chaser.

Crushed Kratom Leaves

Cured kratom leaves are crushed up instead of grinding into a powder. Crushed leaf kratom resembles the types of traditional tea you find in the store. The consistency of crushed leaf kratom makes it perfect for steeping in simmering water using a tea infuser. The larger chunks of kratom leaf eliminate the need to filter any kratom byproducts left at the bottom of the kratom tea mixture. However, crushed leaves take up more storage space in your home than powder.

Kratom Capsules

Plenty of consumers do not like the taste of kratom. It has an extremely bitter flavor. Kratom capsules bypass its taste. The kratom powder gets compressed into gelatin capsules that you can take like a pill. Kratom capsules typically cost more per weight than traditional powder.

There are several sizes of capsules used for preparing kratom capsules.

Gelatin Capsule Sizes

  • 000
  • 00E
  • 00
  • 0E
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

Most companies use the 00 sizes in production. The kratom dosage in each company’s capsules can vary from 600mg to 750mg. Some vendors even offer kratom extract capsules filled with kratom concentrate. Those are more potent and expensive. Choose accordingly.

However, you can always purchase a capsule filling machine online and make them yourself. Kratom capsule filling machines are very inexpensive.

Kratom Pressed Tablets

Manufacturers use tableting machines to press kratom powder (or extract) into a pill. The pill press compresses kratom powder into tablets by adding binders for adhesives in the kratom mixture. That makes sure the pressed kratom tablet doesn’t crumble later. The hydraulic pressure of the tableting machine compresses into a molded die.

Kratom-pressed tablets come in various sizes and strengths. You even have more potent kratom extract pressed tablets. Choose accordingly before purchasing.

Kratom Extracts

Kratom extracts—known as kratom concentrates—are made using extraction methods to isolate kratom alkaloids from the plant matter. The result leaves a concentrated dose of kratom alkaloids in the final mixture. However, kratom extracts have a higher potency. Therefore, you should take smaller dosages than traditional kratom powder.

You can purchase four versions of kratom extracts or make them yourself.

Types of Kratom Extracts

  • Kratom Resin Extracts
  • Liquid Kratom Extracts
  • Kratom Powdered Extract
  • Crystalized Kratom Extract

Kratom Edibles

Companies use kratom extracts as active ingredients in food products. There are several versions of kratom edibles available for purchase.

However, you can easily make kratom edibles at home. Add kratom powder or kratom alkaloid concentrate as an ingredient to traditional recipes.

Types of Kratom Edibles

  • Kratom Chocolates
  • Kratom Gummies
  • Kratom Caramels
  • Kratom Candy
  • Kratom Toffee
  • Kratom Candy Bars
  • Kratom Cookies
  • Kratom Brownies
  • Kratom Cakes
  • Kratom Ice Cream

Kratom Energy Shots

Energy shots have become a staple in convenience stores throughout the US. Everyone needs a pick-me-upper at some point. However, some companies have created energy shots that use kratom alkaloids instead of caffeine. The effects are the same. These kratom shots work great whenever you’re on the go. Plus, they come in various fruit flavors. The concentration varies from product to product. Therefore, you must check the labels before consuming.

However, you can make kratom shooters at home. Boil down your kratom tea into smaller servings. That condenses the concentration of your dose to a reduced volume. Throw in your favorite flavoring for taste at the end.

Kratom Tinctures

Kratom powder or kratom concentrate gets soaked in an ethanol mixture for a few weeks. The hydroethanolic extraction allows water-soluble and alcohol-soluble constituents of kratom to get extracted into the ethanol. Mitragynine is relatively insoluble in water—higher temperatures increase solubility. However, kratom alkaloids are highly soluble in organic solvents like ethanol. The tincture has a concentrated dose of full spectrum kratom alkaloids inside the elixir. However, alcohol can lead to intoxication if you consume too much.

Note to Consumers: Never drink kratom tinctures and drive or operate heavy machinery.

Kratom Beverages

Manufacturers have ready-to-drink beverages for sale that contain kratom alkaloids as active ingredients. You can purchase the traditional tea versions or go for a kratom cola. Some have several active herbal ingredients that produce a potentiated kratom experience.

Likewise, you can mix up versions at home by adding kratom extract to any drink or throwing some into a delicious fruit smoothie.

Types of Kratom Beverages

  • Kratom Brewed Tea
  • Kratom Sodas
  • Kratom Energy Drinks
  • Fruit-flavored Kratom Seltzer
  • Kratom Drink Mix Packets
  • Kratom Milkshakes
  • Kratom Fruit Smoothies

How to Take Kratom

The traditional mode of kratom consumption in Southeast Asia is to chew on the fresh leaves to get to the active alkaloids inside them. However, another customary practice is to create a kratom decoction by boiling the leaves in water. That releases the alkaloids into a kratom tea.

Since fresh kratom leaves are unavailable in the United States, consumers make kratom tea from powdered or crushed kratom leaves instead.

However, there are several ways to take kratom.

Ways to Take Kratom

  • Kratom Tea
  • Oblate Discs
  • Toss N’ Wash
  • Kratom Capsules
  • Mix Kratom in Food
  • Add Kratom to Drink or Juice
  • Frozen Kratom Red Bubble Kratom Method

Is Kratom Addictive?

The United States and the United Nations have investigated kratom for addiction potential. Neither found any conclusive evidence to support kratom has a high potential for addiction.

After careful consideration and research, the United States Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) determined kratom consumption poses no risk of harmful addictive properties that warrants scheduling it.

The World Health Organization (WHO) tasked its Expert Committee on Drug Dependence (ECDD) to investigate the kratom compounds on the claims it has addictive properties. However, the committee found the evidence against kratom lacked credibility. The committee also ruled there was no further cause for an investigation into the abuse potential of the kratom plant by the ECDD.

However, increased kratom consumption for prolonged periods can lead to kratom tolerance.

Risks of Kratom Tolerance

Even though studies show that kratom poses no addictive health threats, the plant does contain active compounds. Kratom contains active compounds that can produce a form of kratom tolerance: the need for more kratom to feel its effects. Kratom tolerance leads to the ineffectiveness of your kratom dosage. Therefore, the consumer takes larger servings. The cycle continues.

Alkaloid tolerance occurs with all active compounds like caffeine in coffee. Caffeine tolerance quickly builds up, and you need extra cups to become energized.

However, a kratom tolerance break or “kratom holiday” lets you manage your kratom tolerance by resetting it. The consumer stops taking kratom for a few days to regain the effectiveness of the kratom product.

Take Kratom Responsibly

Many consumers rely on kratom for its therapeutic properties. They prefer using a natural botanical substance rather than depending on harmful, addictive synthetic compounds. To them, kratom is a lifesaving plant that gives them a sense of normalcy.   

Never abuse kratom compounds by taking more than the recommended dosage.

The Importance of Consuming Safe Kratom

Although kratom is legal in the United States, the cultivation of kratom happens in developing countries throughout the southeastern region of Asia. The manufacturing regulations in those countries are limited when compared to the stringent requirements in the US.

Therefore, make sure you purchase kratom online from reputable companies that strive to provide you with the finest sources of Maeng Da kratom strains and other varieties. After all, the proverbial saying still stands: You are what you eat.

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Kratom Products Disclaimer

Addendum: You should not take any of this information as medical advice. First off, the FDA has not approved kratom for any medical conditions. Secondly, you should always consult with a physician before starting a new supplement regiment.

Overall, the proceeding information was for educational purposes only.

Do not use kratom in states where it’s illegal.

Disclaimer: This product has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Our products are not meant to mitigate, cure, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Mitragyna speciosa should not be consumed by pregnant women or those breastfeeding. Do not drive or operate heavy machinery when using kratom products. You must be 18 years of age or older to purchase.

*** This information is intended for educational purposes only. The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements.

These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Anyone suffering from any disease, illness, or injury should consult with a physician. Always seek counsel from your doctor before taking dietary supplements. ***