Kratom Red Bubble Technique: Frozen Alkaloid Extraction Method

Frozen kratom tea that creates a red bubble of concentrated alkaloids.

One of the easiest ways to make your kratom more potent is to use the red bubble kratom method. Freezing your kratom to create the red bubble allows you to get a stronger kratom dosage without adding additional kratom to your dose. It is one of the few ways you can potentiate your kratom. And that makes it one of the best ways to take kratom.

Other ways to potentiate kratom include using acidic substances, spices, herbs, or other alkaloids. There are lots of kratom potentiators. But the red bubble kratom technique uses basic chemistry to release the alkaloids in kratom, too. Quite simply, you create cell lysis to occur by freezing your kratom.    

How to Make Red Bubble Kratom?

Making the kratom red bubble is not difficult at all. Truly, anyone can accomplish following the simple instructions to perform the red bubble method. It really is that simple. But you will need to make sure you have the correct items to perform the technique.

Items Needed to Make the Red Bubble

You do not need many items and ingredients to make a red bubble with kratom. Most are everyday items found in the kitchen. But here is a checklist before you get started.

  • Kratom Powder
  • Freezable Glass Container
  • Water: Preferably Distilled Water
  • Lemon Juice – or any acidic base
  • Pot or Tea Kettle
  • Freezer

You will want to make sure you use kratom powder. Kratom extracts do not work for the kratom red bubble method. And distilled water works better for creating the red bubble formation. There are fewer impurities in that type of water, creating a more visual red bubble in its final form.

For the container, you want to use a glass dish, jar, or cup. For starters, it allows you to get a better visual of the red bubble in the end. Secondly, you will be pouring boiling water into the container. So plastic material is not the safest bet. 

And the lemon juice is optional. You can use whatever acidic base you prefer. You can substitute lime juice, grapefruit juice, or vinegar. If it is acidic and digestible, you can use anything else. 

Instructions for Preparing the Kratom Red Bubble

Now that you have gotten your items and ingredients ready, it is time to prepare your red bubble kratom. Follow these instructions to see the red bubble appear.

  1. Pour some kratom into the container. Use the amount you would with a single dose. (If you are making several batches at once, just multiply by the number of doses. And remember to split it evenly in the end.)
  2. Add the lemon juice or acidic base. Stir together until it forms a thick base. Then let it sit for 30 minutes. The acid works to extract some of the kratom alkaloids.
  3. Put the pot of distilled water on the stove and bring it to a boil.
  4. Once the water boils, take it off the stove and pour it into the glass container. Letting the tea sit for an hour to cool down works best. This gives the plant material a chance to settle on the bottom and the liquid to cool.
  5. Transfer the container to the freezer. Leave it in there for the next 24 hours.
  6. Take the container out of the freezer to witness the red bubble that formed. The kratom red bubble consists of a concentrated area of kratom alkaloids.

How to Take Red Bubble Kratom?

Once the kratom red bubble method has come to its conclusion, you are going to need to consume it. And since the red bubble is frozen, it needs to melt. You can sit the red bubble container to the side to melt naturally. Make sure to put a lid on it to keep out dust particles.

You can also put the glass container in hot water to thaw it quicker. When it thaws enough to be removed from the container, you can put the frozen red bubble liquid in a pot to bring it back to a boil. The extra boil breaks the kratom cell walls down, even more, allowing the kratom red bubble to hit you harder.

The next step is optional. Some people prefer to strain out the kratom material from the tea. The plant material is too hard on their digestive tract. To do it, you need to put the red bubble kratom liquid through a small strainer, coffee filter, or cheesecloth. But you do lose some of the alkaloids when you filter the red bubble.

After the kratom red bubble is liquified and to your preferred temperature. Drink up and enjoy.

What Is the Kratom Red Bubble?

Now that you made some red bubble kratom, you want to know how the red bubble formed? Well, the kratom tea freezes the same way as all liquids. Ice forms on the outside first. To understand that concept, think of a lake. The water in a lake freezes on the top layer. Then it slowly freezes thicker underneath. Kratom tea in the freezer acts the same.

When water freezes, it also pushes the impurities out into the surrounding water. To illustrate, once again, we will think of a pond. The top frozen layer of water remains relatively clear for pond water. That is because the dirt and debris get ejected away from the fresh ice. The red bubble in the liquid works the same way.

Kratom tea has a red hue from the pigments found inside the kratom leaf. That pigmentation is an impurity in the water. So, during the ice crystallization process, those pigments are pushed to the center with all the kratom alkaloids. The pigmentation surrounds the alkaloids forming a red bubble. And that is the kratom red bubble you see once the kratom tea freezes.

How Does the Kratom Red Bubble Technique Work?

The digestive enzymes and gastric acid in our stomach break down the food we eat. But our body is unable to digest everything. A lot of nutrients are still in our waste when we go to the bathroom. The same thing happens with kratom plant material—lots of alkaloids reside in it. But the red bubble kratom technique allows the body to absorb more of the alkaloids than it regularly would. 

The kratom red bubble technique works through a chemistry process called cell lysis. Every time you cook, the chemical lysis function happens. Extremely high or low temperatures start the process. So, freezing kratom works, too. As the water freezes, the cellular membranes of the kratom weakens. When the molecular cell wall breaks using the red bubble method, the alkaloids and molecular compounds get released into the water.

Drinking the red bubble liquid enables your body to absorb more alkaloids altogether. And those kratom alkaloids work their way into the bloodstream much quicker. That makes the kratom effects hit you immediately.

Using a higher quality kratom produces better results. So, shop online at Prometheus Products to purchase premier kratom strains. Try Prometheus Products kratom today. You can taste the difference.

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