Prometheus Products Logo and Emblem situated over Kratom Plants in the background.

The Effects Of Kratom

Kratom provides various effects whenever ingested. Inside the kratom leaf, over 40 active chemical compounds called alkaloids exist. The two primary alkaloids responsible for much of the effects associated with kratom are mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine.

Mitragynine is the most abundant alkaloid within kratom. It comprises up to 66% of the total alkaloid concentration. Its other major alkaloid, 7-hydroxymitragynine (7-OH), constitutes a less significant amount of the total alkaloids—up to 2%.

The molecular structures and concentration of the other active alkaloids help shape the alkaloid profile in the various kratom strains and varieties. That compound makeup creates unique blueprints for diverse kratom effects.

Scientific Reasons People Take Kratom

Peer-reviewed scientific experiments are constantly researching those effects. Fortunately, many scientists and doctors have released their findings to the world. The data appears to reflect that kratom has several therapeutic qualities. A few companies have isolated mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine for clinical trials into potential medicinal applications. However, more research is needed before anyone can regard any scientific findings as factual.

Currently, there are no FDA-approved uses for kratom.

Why Do People Use Kratom?

Millions of people regularly take kratom. Testimonials from kratom consumers suggest that they use kratom for various reasons. John Hopkins Medicine recently oversaw a kratom user survey online. The responses provide some insight into the reasons consumers say they take kratom. However, we cannot discuss most of them on our site because of governmental regulations. Take the time to research some of those findings. In the meantime, we’ll briefly cover some common reasons people use kratom.

Health Benefits of Kratom

The narrative provided by millions of kratom consumers is telling. Here are some anecdotal reports provided by kratom consumers as to why they continue to use various methods of kratom consumption. As you’ll notice, there are quite a few.

Some of these effects are possibly interlinked. One variable in life can affect several others. Regardless, we’ll touch upon the most common kratom effects reported by the average kratom customer.

Boosts Energy

Kratom is a tree related to the coffee plant. Both botanical products produce slight stimulating properties through alkaloids. With coffee, it’s caffeine. In kratom, the energizing properties come from mitragynine. For centuries, locals in Southeast Asian countries have chewed kratom leaves to boost energy while performing manual labor.

Many kratom consumers in the states use it as a coffee substitute. However, you can combine both products for a high-powered organic herbal beverage.

Cognitive Performance

The mitragynine found in kratom reacts with adrenergic receptors in your brain. According to scientific research, findings suggest adenosine can improve cognitive functions. However, that’s not a miracle. Several compounds, including caffeine from coffee, react with the same receptors. A stimulated mind provides you with sharpened senses and mental acuity. Both produce a winning combination for intellectually enhanced performances.

Motivation and Drive

An active mental mind frame makes you want to complete your planned goals. That purpose-centric mindset compels you to put those feelings and ideas into motion since you constantly crave achievement. Once that occurs, nothing can quelch your mind’s persistent demand to pursue your objectives except the act of accomplishing them.

Focus and Concentration

Now that you’re on the constant hustle and grind, the extra movement makes you more alert. That results in better concentration. Without distractions clouding your thoughts, you focus more clearly on specific activities. Then each of your assignments becomes easier to accomplish.

Improve Productivity

That attention to detail allows you to complete your work effortlessly. Your dedication to the task at hand lets you focus on a project without getting sidetracked. That type of productivity improvement helps to achieve more goals within a shorter timeframe. Then you’ll have extra time to accomplish other tasks or spend on leisure activities.

Pre-Workout Supplement

Your increased stamina has many outputs available besides completing occupational duties and personal endeavors. Physically fit people like to stay in shape through an exercise regimen. Studies show aerobic activities cause your brain to produce additional neurotransmitters called endorphins. They trigger positive feelings in your mind and body. Kratom’s compounds may enhance such pleasurable emotions. But we’ll cover that in another section.

Weight Management

Now that we know kratom increases your energy levels, an output for that physical animation is a given. We already discussed improved performance in daily duties and working out at the gym. Both lead to better physical appearances. However, a known side effect of kratom is its ability to suppress hunger. Overall, all aspects can lead to weight loss.

Balanced Perspective

Kratom can create a sense of euphoria whenever taken. The alkaloids in kratom react with neurotransmitters in our brains that affect happiness. Studies show that some lesser-known kratom alkaloids may exhibit more powerful binding profiles to serotonergic receptors. Serotonin levels increase happiness and optimism. Therefore, kratom compounds affect balanced wellness within our minds.

Mood Lifter

Kratom consumers tout that kratom has several mood-enhancing effects. An online survey of over 10,000 kratom users shows that approximately half of the consumers take kratom to lift their moods. The neurotransmitters and endorphins that interact with kratom may play a role in those anecdotal reports. Future scientific studies may provide more insight into those interactions.

Creativity and Innovation

Kratom also reacts with dopamine receptors. Dopamine levels drive us to feel rewarded with our activities and life. Dopamine correlates to the creativity we possess. Dopamine plays a pivotal role in our desire to create and be innovative. It makes us want to accomplish things for the promise of a substantial feeling of achievement at the end.

Cheerful and Sociable

Kratom interactions with transmitters in our brains mimic feel-good endorphins and hormones. That creates a positive social outlook when associating with others. For some people, endorphins get naturally released when having social interactions. Introverts can differ, however. It depends on the activity and the people involved. Regardless, kratom helps to bridge that gap.

Calming and Soothing

The alkaloid profiles found in different kratom strains can deliver various kratom effects. Even though kratom can produce energetic properties, some varieties are known to do the opposite. We know little about how the minor kratom alkaloids react to our brain chemistry. Their affinity for other receptors can trigger mixed effects. Some of those effects are dose dependent. Typically, red kratom strains are used primarily for their capability to address physical therapeutic benefits.

Mellow and Easygoing

Indigenous tribes in Southeast Asia have traditionally used kratom for its therapeutic properties. The range of kratom benefits is as all-encompassing as the types of strains on the market. No matter your physical or mental anguish, you can rest assured a kratom strain exists to help comfort those needs. In the end, you’ll become a more mellow and easygoing person to those around you.

Relieves Discomfort

One of the main reasons people consume kratom is to help alleviate discomfort. Kratom alkaloids react with receptors in our brains that reduce unease in our bodies. Scientific research also promotes that claim. A few biopharmaceutical companies are undergoing clinical studies to prove that fact medically with isolated alkaloids and kratom-derived compounds. However, all of them are still in the clinical trial stages.

Relaxing and Slumberous

Scientific research indicates that some alkaloids in kratom have mild sedative effects, too. The type of kratom strain and the amount taken can increase those benefits. Try to find a kratom product that promotes relaxation and use it before bedtime to get a good night’s rest. Afterward, you’ll wake up feeling refreshed and ready to get the day started.

Activated Libido

Some kratom consumers swear that kratom promotes a healthy libido. The mood-enhancing properties might have something to do with it. A healthy midframe can positively affect your libido. Plus, an active lifestyle can increase sex drive. Aerobic exercise increases blood flow through the body. Muscular training can improve sexual health, too. Kratom promotes each of these benefits.

Kratom Strains Produce Various Kratom Effects

Consumers can find various kratom products marketed as strains in the kratom industry. However, only one single species of kratom exists—Mitragyna speciosa. Instead, kratom strains use separate identifiers for classification.

For example, the color of the vein in the kratom leaf creates a sub-strain class. The geographical location where farmers grow kratom is another.

Here are all the unique groups used to identify kratom strains.

The Categorization of Kratom Strains

  • Kratom Leaf Vein Color
  • Maeng Da Kratom
  • Kratom Blends or Mixes
  • The Shape of Kratom Leaves
  • Kratom Fermentation Process
  • Geographical Cultivation Locale

Kratom Alkaloid Profiles Determine Kratom Effects

Inside kratom, most therapeutic benefits come from the plant’s two primary alkaloids—mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine. However, there are other active alkaloids inside the plant. Scientists have discovered over 54 kratom compounds that contribute to its alkaloid profile.

The concentration of those alkaloids depends on several factors.

  • Growing Conditions
  • Geographical Location
  • Time of Year
  • Environmental Factors
  • Harvest Time
  • Drying Process
  • Manufacturing Procedures

Each of those situations can alter the chemical profile found in kratom. As such, the modified alkaloid profile can change its kratom effects, too. Therefore, we should cover some of the most common kratom strains and varieties to understand the benefits they provide consumers.

Top Three Primary Kratom Strains and Their Effects

Within the kratom industry, there are the Top Three Primary Kratom Strains. You have Green Kratom, Red Kratom, and White Kratom.

They’re also called Green Vein Kratom, Red Vein Kratom, and White Vein Kratom.

Those three main strains come from fermentation and drying procedures. Both of those techniques alter the alkaloid content of the finished product.

  1. Green Kratom: Green kratom strains go through a drying method that occurs primarily indoors. Near the end, the kratom leaves get taken outside to finish the curing process. The procedure creates a balanced concentration of mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine (7-OH). Green kratom retains the lush green color of the leaf.
  2. Red Kratom: Red kratom strains are dried outdoors beneath the sunlight. The sunrays stimulate oxidation in the leaves. Some of the mitragynine gets converted into the 7-OH compound. An oxidized kratom leaf changes its color to an amber hue.
  3. White Kratom: White kratom strains get dried entirely indoors. As a result, most of its mitragynine alkaloid stays intact. The color of the dried leaf becomes much lighter than a fresh kratom leaf would appear.

White Vein Kratom Effects

Kratom consumers report that white vein kratom strains produce an energizing effect. The stimulating nature of white vein kratom makes it useful in the morning or when you need an energy boost. White-veined kratom drinkers benefit from increased alertness and extra motivation.

Green Vein Kratom Effects

Kratom users swear up and down that green vein kratom has the perfect combination of effects. The green-strained kratom provides extra energy while mitigating the nervousness and jitteriness produced by herbal stimulants. Green kratom yields mental clarity for the user.

Red Vein Kratom Effects

Red vein kratom is the most popular strain of kratom. Kratom users say it produces mild sedation, allowing one to relax in the evening and help them get positioned for bedtime. Red strain kratom is also the most therapeutic for those needing relief from discomfort. In that essence, this strain’s properties surpass all others.

Kratom Strains and Varieties

Besides the three primary kratom strains, you can also find other kratom strain varieties for sale. The location of the kratom farm and manufacturing techniques help consumers to distinguish between them. All the kratom strains have unique chemical profiles that affect their kratom effects.

Kratom Strain Varieties

Here is a list of all the kratom varieties you can purchase online.

Kratom Strain Varieties Effects

The kratom effects of a variety will depend on the phenotype, genotype, and chemotype of that specific strain. Those characteristics are responsible for its alkaloid profile.

Let’s cover each kratom variety in detail to discover its effects.

Maeng Da Kratom Effects

Maeng Da was a name given to potent kratom found deep in the rainforests of Southeast Asia. However, kratom cultivators have begun using the term for the most potent kratom batches harvested on kratom farms. There are several Maeng Da Kratom Strains for purchase.

  • Green Maeng Da
  • White Maeng Da
  • Red Maeng Da
  • Yellow Maeng Da
  • Chocolate Maeng Da
  • Gold Maeng Da
  • Plantation Maeng Da
  • Tropic Thunder Maeng Da

Green Maeng Da Kratom Effects

Green Maeng Da provides consumers with the most balanced kratom effects. The balance of mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine create well-centered benefits that are both energetic and calming. Those synergetic properties make Green Maeng Da the most sought-after kratom variety on the market. The versatility of the strain means you can take it throughout the entire day.

White Maeng Da Kratom Effects

White Maeng Da has the most energizing properties of all the kratom varieties. The high-powered energy boost it produces makes it suitable for taking in the morning or whenever you have lots of work to get done. Several kratom consumers have substituted White Maeng Da for coffee.

Red Maeng Da Kratom Effects

The Red Maeng Da kratom provides the most therapeutic benefits for people seeking physical relief. It helps alleviate discomfort while relaxing the mind and body. Use Red Maeng Da at the end of a long day when you want to lounge. As an evening-time strain, the red variety can help you get a great night’s rest.

Yellow Maeng Da Kratom Effects

Our Yellow Maeng Da contains a mixture of predominantly white-veined kratom blended with red-veined kratom. Therefore, the strain has mostly vitalizing properties on the body and mind. Take Yellow Maeng Da in the morning to start your day. The addition of red-veined kratom produces slight therapeutic effects as well.

Chocolate Maeng Da Kratom Effects

The effects of Chocolate Maeng Da soothe physical discomfort. Our chocolate variety contains mostly Red Riau Bentuangie in its formulation: Chocolate Bentuangie goes through an additional fermentation process that increases its therapeutic potency. The raised concentration of 7-hydroxymitragynine makes Chocolate Maeng Da a primarily nighttime strain.

Gold Maeng Da Kratom Effects

The Gold Maeng Da kratom blend we sell contains the three primary Maeng Da strains: Green, White, and Red. We include mainly green-veined and white-veined kratom in the concoction. However, a small portion of red-veined gets added to each batch. Gold Maeng Da provides the consumer with extra confidence and resolve.

Plantation Maeng Da Kratom Effects

Take Plantation Maeng Da when you need extra creativity or an outgoing persona for social interactions. The green-veined Maeng Da selections combined with a little bit of the white-veined ones produce a splendid daytime strain that increases productivity. You can use Plantation Maeng Da in the morning or late in the day.

Tropic Thunder Maeng Da Kratom Effects

Tropic Thunder Maeng Da provides the best of all kratom effects. Only wild kratom leaves harvested from tropical rainforests are used to manufacture the strain. Green-veined, red-veined, and white-veined lush kratom leaves combine in every batch to generate a superior feeling of wellness. Whatever your therapeutic desire, the benefits of Tropic Thunder Maeng Da will accommodate.

Kratom Strain Blends and Effects

Kratom companies use the three primary kratom strains (Red, Green, and White) to create various varieties. Some of them are proprietary blends you can only find with specific vendors. Those are exclusive formulas. However, there is a couple of kratom blends almost every vendor carries.

  • Yellow Kratom
  • Gold Kratom
  • Dragon Kratom
  • Asia Kratom
  • Super Kratom
  • Hulk Kratom

The formula used in the mixture of those two blends can differ from vendor to vendor. Those changes can affect the kratom effects. Regardless, we’ll touch upon the most common kratom effects below.

Yellow Kratom Effects

Some vendors refer to Yellow Kratom as Yellow Vein Kratom. However, it’s more a marketing term than legitimate. Kratom leaves only have three primary vein colors.

Nonetheless, Yellow Kratom comes from blending other colored strains. The most common Yellow Kratom blend mixes White Kratom with Red Kratom. Still, some companies use a different formula. Therefore, the effects can differ as well. Check with the company you buy Yellow Kratom from to investigate their reported benefits of the strain.

Typically, kratom users can expect to feel the following effects when taking Yellow Kratom.

  • Increased Energy
  • More Focus
  • Enhanced Performance

Gold Kratom Effects

Another kratom blend widely available online is Gold Kratom. Likewise, some refer to it as Gold Vein Kratom. However, that’s only a marketing term. Gold kratom comes from mixing two or more kratom strains. Each company has different formulas. Therefore, the results can differ.

Regardless, here are the most reported effects of Gold Kratom.

  • Mood Lifter
  • Energetic
  • More Concentration

Kratom Leaf Type Strains and Effects

When harvesting kratom, farmers find some leaves that have an atypical appearance than most kratom leaves. For example, kratom leaves have an ovate shape with smooth edges. However, sometimes a few kratom leaves develop serrated edges, making them look spiked. Likewise, some kratom leaves grow considerably compared to the rest. Those leaf varieties are picked and used for separate strains.

  • Horned Leaf Kratom
  • Elephant Leaf Kratom

The kratom strains produced from those two leaves (horned and elephant) have unique alkaloid profiles.

Horned Kratom Effects

You’ll rarely find leaves with serrated edges in a rainforest. Those leaves typically develop in colder climates of deciduous forests. The blades of a leaf are an evolutionary trait designed to allow more water to escape and go through photosynthesis earlier in the growing season, maximizing their growth potential. However, a small percentage of kratom leaves develop blades, too.

Cultivators call those leaves Horned Kratom. Here are some of their effects.

  • Relief from Discomfort
  • Promotes Relaxation
  • Cheerful Attitude

Elephant Kratom Effects

The variability in leaf size depends on environmental conditions. Larger leaves lose more water through evaporation. However, rainforests get plenty of rain. Therefore, some kratom leaves can become more massive if allowed to mature. Those leaves gain in size and become floppy. Natives named them after the elephant ears they resemble.

The effects of Elephant Kratom are as follows.

  • Boosted Energy
  • More Productive
  • Increased Motivation

Kratom Fermentation Strains and Effects

All kratom strains go through some fermentation process. The leaves are stacked on each other when harvested. Humid temperatures and sunlight in the rainforests aid in fermenting those leaves. Sometimes, they’re left for days before manufacturing commences.

However, some strains get developed through additional fermentation methods. Farmers place those kratom leaves in plastic bags for a few days. It aids in the oxidation process.

  • Bentuangie Kratom
  • Dragon Kratom

Bentuangie Kratom Effects

Bentuangie kratom leaves are placed in plastic bags and left to ferment for a few days before they go through the curing process. The added oxidation increases the concentration of 7-hydroxymitragynine in the kratom, making it more therapeutic.

Another name for Bentuangie Kratom is Chocolate Bentuangie. Here are some of its effects.

  • Extremely Calming
  • Added Relief
  • Promotes Rest

Red Dragon Kratom Effects

Red Dragon Kratom goes through the same fermentation process as Bentuangie. The only significant difference is Red Dragon Kratom uses Thai kratom leaves in its production. Thai Kratom has a slightly higher concentration of mitragynine. Consequently, Red Dragon Kratom has somewhat more energizing properties. However, the extra 7-OH offsets those effects.

Here are the typical effects of Red Dragon Kratom.

  • Decreases Discomfort
  • Mentally Soothing
  • Relaxes Body

Geographical Kratom Strains and Effects

Most of the kratom on the market comes from Indonesia. They currently control the majority of the international kratom exportation market. Yet, kratom grows throughout all Southeast Asian countries. The country of origin changes the alkaloid profile of kratom plants. The climate, soil conditions, and environment all play a role in cultivation.

  • Indonesia Kratom
    • Borneo Kratom
    • Sumatra Kratom
    • Bali Kratom
    • Riau Kratom
    • Sunda Kratom
    • Kalimantan Kratom
    • Papua Kratom
    • JongKong Kratom
  • Thailand Kratom
  • Malaysia Kratom
  • Vietnam Kratom
  • Brunei Kratom
  • Philippines Kratom
  • Cambodian Kratom

Indo Kratom Effects

Indonesian Kratom—or Indo Kratom—covers a lot of geographical territories. Truthfully, most kratom geographic-strain classifications are Indonesian since Indonesia controls those provinces and islands. The nation consists of over 17,000 islands. Indonesia is the largest archipelagic state in the world. Its hosts the world’s fourth-largest population by a country, too.

Types of Indo Kratom Strains

  1. Green Indo kratom
  2. Red Indo kratom
  3. White Vein Indo Kratom
  4. Yellow Indo Kratom
  5. Gold Indo Kratom
  6. Chocolate Indo Kratom

Each type of Indo Kratom strain has varied kratom effects.

Borneo Kratom Effects

Borneo is the third-largest island in the world. In Asia, it’s the largest. The island gets divided into three distinct territories controlled by Indonesia, Malaysia, and Brunei. Indonesia governs the most extensive share of the island. Farmers cultivate kratom and other crops there.

Types of Borneo Kratom Strains

  1. Green Vein Borneo Kratom
  2. Red Borneo Kratom
  3. White Borneo Kratom
  4. Yellow Borneo Kratom
  5. Gold Borneo Kratom
  6. Chocolate Borneo Kratom

Each type of Borneo Kratom strain has varied kratom effects.

Sumatra Kratom Effects

Sumatra kratom grows in one of the Sunda islands called Sumatra. It is the most expansive island controlled entirely by Indonesia. In the last half-century, the island has lost almost half its rainforests to deforestation. However, local conservationists continue to advocate for its protection.

Types of Sumatra Kratom Strains

  1. Green Sumatra Kratom
  2. Red Vein Sumatra Kratom
  3. White Sumatra Kratom
  4. Yellow Sumatra Kratom
  5. Gold Sumatra Kratom
  6. Chocolate Sumatra Kratom

Each type of Sumatra Kratom strain has varied kratom effects.

Bali Kratom Effects

The westernmost island of the Lesser Sunda Island is known as Bali. The province of Indonesia attracts tourists from across the world seeking to explore its tropical beaches. The dense rainforests on the island provide the perfect environment for cultivating kratom.

Types of Bali Kratom Strains

  1. Green Bali Kratom
  2. Red Bali Kratom
  3. White Bali Kratom
  4. Yellow Bali Kratom
  5. Gold Bali Kratom
  6. Chocolate Bali Kratom

Each type of Bali Kratom strain has varied kratom effects.

Riau Kratom Effects

The Riau Islands are an archipelago in Indonesia that contains almost 2000 different islands. Many are unnamed and uninhabited. However, the tropical islands have plenty of wild kratom trees in their rainforests. Riau kratom strains have potent concentrations.

Types of Riau Kratom Strains

  1. Green Riau Kratom
  2. Red Riau Kratom
  3. White Riau Kratom
  4. Yellow Riau Kratom
  5. Gold Riau Kratom
  6. Chocolate Riau Kratom

Each type of Riau Kratom strain has varied kratom effects.

Sunda Kratom Effects

The Sunda Islands consist of a group of islands in the Malay Archipelago. Those islands get divided between Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, and East Timor. However, Indonesia controls most of them. All of them provide the necessary tropical climate to grow kratom.

Greater Sunda Islands:

  • Borneo
  • Java
  • Sulawesi
  • Sumatra

Lesser Sunda Islands:

  • Bali
  • Lombok
  • Sumbawa
  • Sumba
  • Komodo
  • Flores
  • Savu
  • Rote
  • Timor
  • Alor Archipelago

Types of Sunda Kratom Strains

  1. Green Sunda Kratom
  2. Red Sunda Kratom
  3. White Sunda Kratom
  4. Yellow Sunda Kratom
  5. Gold Sunda Kratom
  6. Chocolate Sunda Kratom

Each type of Sunda Kratom strain has varied kratom effects.

Kalimantan Kratom Effects

Kalimantan landmass constitutes almost three-fourths of Borneo. The majority of Indonesian kratom comes from Borneo. Kalimantan kratom is more commonly called Kali Kratom.

Types of Kalimantan Kratom

  1. Green Kali Kratom
  2. Red Kali Kratom
  3. White Kali Kratom
  4. Yellow Kali Kratom
  5. Gold Kali Kratom
  6. Chocolate Kali Kratom

Each type of Kali Kratom strain has varied kratom effects.

Papua Kratom Effects

Lying east of the Malay Archipelago, the province of Indonesia named Papua comprises the western half of New Guinea and several other islands. Various indigenous tribes live throughout its rainforest ecosystem and harvest wild kratom for production.

Types of Papua Kratom Strains

  1. Green Papua Kratom
  2. Red Papua Kratom
  3. White Papua Kratom
  4. Yellow Papua Kratom
  5. Gold Papua Kratom
  6. Chocolate Papua Kratom

Each type of Papua Kratom strain has varied kratom effects.

JongKong Kratom Effects

We find the Jongkong village of Indonesia situated in the Kapuas Hula district of East Kalimantan. The locality rests nearby the Kapuas River. As a smaller locale for kratom cultivation, fewer vendors carry its strains. However, they produce a wide variety of therapeutic benefits.

Types of Jongkong Kratom Strains

  1. Green Jongkong Kratom
  2. Red Jongkong Kratom
  3. White Jongkong Kratom
  4. Yellow Jongkong Kratom
  5. Gold Jongkong Kratom
  6. Chocolate Jongkong Kratom

Each type of Jongkong Kratom strain has varied kratom effects.

Thai Kratom Effects

Thailand recently decriminalized kratom and seeks to become a part of the international kratom exportation industry. Thai kratom is known for having higher concentrations of mitragynine—the more stimulating kratom compound. Generally, Thai kratom varieties provide more energy than kratom produced in other countries.

Types of Thai Kratom Strains

  1. Green Thai Kratom
  2. Red Thai Kratom
  3. White Vein Thai Kratom
  4. Yellow Thai Kratom
  5. Gold Thai Kratom
  6. Chocolate Thai Kratom

Each type of Thai Kratom strain has varied kratom effects.

Malay Kratom Effects

Kratom grown in Malaysia has a much lower concentration of mitragynine—approximately 12% of total alkaloids. As such, Malaysian Kratom—also known as Malay Kratom—has a higher concentration of secondary alkaloids. The entourage effect of Malay kratom is more prevalent than other strains and produces various benefits.

Types of Malay Kratom Strains

  1. Green Malay Kratom
  2. Red Malay Kratom
  3. White Malay Kratom
  4. Yellow Malay Kratom
  5. Gold Malay Kratom
  6. Chocolate Malay Kratom

Each type of Malay Kratom strain has varied kratom effects.

Vietnam Kratom Effects

Kratom grown in the rainforest of Vietnam has a relatively high concentration of mitragynine. The country has less sunlight than most Southeast Asian countries. Fewer hours of sunshine equate to lower oxidation levels in the leaves. Consequently, most Vietnam Kratom strains are very energetic.

Types of Vietnam Kratom Strains

  1. Green Vietnam Kratom
  2. Red Vietnam Kratom
  3. White Vietnam Kratom
  4. Yellow Vietnam Kratom
  5. Gold Vietnam Kratom
  6. Chocolate Vietnam Kratom

Each type of Vietnam Kratom strain has varied kratom effects.

Brunei Kratom Effects

The tiny nation of Brunei exists on the smallest independent territory on the island of Borneo. It shares a border with Malaysia, and its coastline is next to the South China Sea. Most Brunei kratom comes from the Indonesian border closest to the country.

Types of Brunei Kratom Strains

  1. Green Brunei Kratom
  2. Red Brunei Kratom
  3. White Brunei Kratom
  4. Yellow Brunei Kratom
  5. Gold Brunei Kratom
  6. Chocolate Brunei Kratom

Each type of Brunei Kratom strain has varied kratom effects.

Philippines Kratom Effects

The archipelagic country of the Philippines provides the tropical climate necessary for cultivating kratom. Its archipelago consists of over 7,000 islands on the northeastern coast of Indonesia.

Types of Philippines Kratom Strains

  1. Green Philippines Kratom
  2. Red Philippines Kratom
  3. White Philippines Kratom
  4. Yellow Philippines Kratom
  5. Gold Philippines Kratom
  6. Chocolate Philippines Kratom

Each type of Philippines Kratom strain has varied kratom effects.

Cambodian Kratom Effects

Cambodia lies between Thailand and Vietnam. The kratom tree grows wild throughout the country, and Cambodians use the native kratom plant as an ingredient in local cuisines.

Types of Cambodian Kratom Strains

  1. Green Cambodia Kratom
  2. Red Cambodia Kratom
  3. White Cambodia Kratom
  4. Yellow Cambodia Kratom
  5. Gold Cambodia Kratom
  6. Chocolate Cambodia Kratom

Each type of Cambodia Kratom strain has varied kratom effects.

Kratom Side Effects

Botanical herbs contain psychoactive compounds. Psychotropic substances can lead to adverse effects with larger doses. They can affect some users differently because their biological and brain chemistries are unregular. For those reasons alone, consult a physician to see if kratom is right for you. Then start with smaller serving sizes. Always use kratom responsibly.

Common Kratom Side Effects

  • Dehydration:

Kratom acts as a diuretic—a substance that promotes urination and flushes the system. Therefore, drink more water to stay hydrated.

  • Lowered Libido:

One possible side effect of kratom is a lowered libido. However, no scientific experiments have studied the claim. Mental anguish and feeling hopeless can lead to a lower libido. Those feelings are some of the reasons people begin taking kratom. Therefore, one can assume they play the role of lowered libido instead.

  • Drowsiness:

Large doses of specific kratom strains can make you sleepy. Therefore, do not take those strains during the daytime or whenever operating heavy machinery.

  • Reduced Appetite:

Since kratom has stimulating properties, your appetite can become suppressed. However, some kratom consumers use kratom for its weight-loss benefits.

  • Restlessness:

The increased energetic levels from kratom can promote restlessness, especially with larger doses. Keep servings small.

  • Constipation:

Kratom use dehydrates you if you do not drink adequate servings of water along with it. Fluid loss in the body increases the likelihood of constipation. Keep your fluid intake up while taking kratom.

  • Nausea:

Whenever you quickly take too much kratom, it can lead to nauseous feelings. Make sure you keep servings small, and you shouldn’t have that problem.

  • Kratom Tolerance:

Repeatedly taking large doses of kratom can create a tolerance to it. As a result, you may need larger servings to feel the same effects. However, there are ways to reset kratom tolerance.

Kratom Effects Can Vary

Your body chemistry is not the same as everyone else. Your brain is hardwired differently, too. As a result, chemical compounds can react differently for people. The metabolism rate of a person alters the duration of those benefits as well. Any company stating kratom strains have predetermined effects for everyone is acting disingenuous.

Also, kratom batches can vary from vendor to vendor. Kratom companies might create blends differently than others: the mixture ratios depend on each business’s formula. The time of year and kratom farm can create distinctive alkaloid profiles.

Our company consistently tests the purity of all their kratom. We also make sure the quality of kratom passes our quality-assurance standards. Not all kratom products are alike. Only purchase kratom from a reputable company like Prometheus Products. Premium kratom makes all the difference.

Ways to Intensify Kratom Effects

There are various ways to make your kratom stronger without increasing your dosage. You can take kratom with various kratom potentiators to increase its potency. That lets you save money by taking less. Another way to intensify kratom effects is to use a kratom extract. Kratom extracts increase kratom potency by isolating the active alkaloids. The red bubble kratom method is a relatively easy kratom extraction process you can accomplish at home.

The Best Quality Kratom Has Better Kratom Effects

The most reliable kratom effects come from quality kratom from a reputable kratom vendor. Providing premium quality kratom powder is what Prometheus Product does best. So, peruse the online Prometheus Products kratom store and check out our extensive product line of Maeng Da kratom strains. Maeng Da kratom is considered the best strain in the industry by far.

Buy Maeng Da Kratom. Give them all a try. We believe you’ll agree. Prometheus Products has the best kratom online.

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Kratom Products Disclaimer

Addendum: You should not take any of this information as medical advice. First off, the FDA has not approved kratom for any medical conditions. Secondly, you should always consult with a physician before starting a new supplement regiment.

Overall, the proceeding information was for educational purposes only.

Do not use kratom in states where it’s illegal.

Disclaimer: This product has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Our products are not meant to mitigate, cure, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Mitragyna speciosa should not be consumed by pregnant women or those breastfeeding. Do not drive or operate heavy machinery when using kratom products. You must be 18 years of age or older to purchase.

*** This information is intended for educational purposes only. The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements.

These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Anyone suffering from any disease, illness, or injury should consult with a physician. Always seek counsel from your doctor before taking dietary supplements. ***