Kratom Potentiators: Ultimate Kratom Potentiation Guide

Picture of spices and herbs used to potentiate kratom.

Sometimes, consumers want more potency from their kratom products without needing a larger kratom dosage. In those cases, take a kratom potentiator. Kratom potentiation makes kratom powder feel more potent.

Today, Prometheus Products will provide the ultimate guide to understanding which kratom potentiators are the best.

What are Kratom Potentiators?

A kratom potentiator is a compound that enhances the kratom product. Therefore, taking kratom potentiators makes the kratom effects more pronounced, and you need much less kratom to reap its benefits. Fortunately, kratom potentiators are easy to locate. Several foods, liquids, and spices in our homes can potentiate kratom.

Why Potentiate Kratom?

Potentiating kratom effectively boosts the effects of kratom that a user feels. Since people take kratom for its various therapeutic benefits, its potentiation makes them more noticeable. In most cases, consumers feel those effects more rapidly using kratom potentiators. 

However, most methods require the consumption of kratom in beverage form since you want acidic potentiators to break down the molecular structure of the kratom plant material.

Kratom Potentiation Advantages

  • Enhance the benefits of kratom.
  • Prolong its kratom effects.
  • Use less kratom with each serving.

Potentiating Kratom Makes the Kratom Effects Stronger

A lot of kratom consumers rely on kratom to provide therapeutic relief. They want a natural remedy instead of taking prescription medications. When discomfort becomes unbearable, consumers sometimes increase their dosage of kratom. However, a tolerance to kratom can occur.

Kratom potentiators allow the user to feel the benefits more strongly without needing higher doses.

Potentiating Kratom Makes the Kratom Last Longer

People with extreme discomfort also want the kratom effects to last longer. Therefore, the longevity of the kratom dose becomes essential, too.

Specific kratom potentiators make the kratom effects more persistent. That lets the consumer take kratom less frequently.

Use Less Kratom Product and Save Money

After you buy some kratom powder, the last thing you want to do is waste it by taking more than necessary. Potentiating kratom allows you to use smaller doses of kratom less often. 

Those modest doses of kratom make the kratom product last much longer. That lets a kratom user save more money. Everyone benefits from more disposable income.

How to Potentiate Kratom

After you purchase potent kratom, you can mix the kratom product with other compounds to potentiate kratom euphoria. Combining them will intensify the kratom effects. 

The best way to potentiate kratom is to mix them with kratom in boiling water, allowing the molecular compounds to react together. Let it sit and cool. Then drink it. 

Most Effective Kratom Potentiators

There are several kratom potentiators known to enhance the effectiveness of kratom. Most likely, you will encounter numerous ones not listed within this article. However, we’ve produced a list of the most effective kratom potentiators.

Almost all kratom potentiators fall under eight separate kratom potentiator classifications.

  1. Citrus Fruits
  2. Acidic Bases
  3. Common Alkaloids
  4. GABAergic Agents
  5. Spices
  6. Herbs
  7. Cannabinoids
  8. Freezing Kratom Tea

Kratom Potentiation with Citrus Fruits

The acidity of citrus fruits breaks down the cellular walls of the molecules within kratom products. That potentiates kratom. However, specific citrus fruits contain a particular chemical compound that allows the kratom alkaloids to remain in our systems longer. We will talk about a few of those citrus fruits below.

  1. Grapefruit: Grapefruit contains organic chemical compounds known as furanocoumarins. They hinder specific enzymes in the body from removing active compounds from your system too quickly, making the kratom effects last longer.
  2. Oranges: Oranges, such as Pomelos and Seville oranges, also contain furanocoumarins. However, even the orange species without that compound potentiate kratom. Since oranges are acidic, it helps to break down the molecules inside the kratom product.
  3. Lemons: Besides containing furanocoumarin, lemons contain high amounts of Vitamin C. It boosts your antioxidant levels. The fruit also stimulates the activity of white blood cells, thereby promoting a healthy immune system.
  4. Limes: Limes also contain furanocoumarins. Plus, they are very acidic. Allow the kratom to soak in the lime juice before ingesting it. That makes the alkaloids more easily digestible.

Kratom Potentiation with Acidic Bases

An acid-based procedure works to create kratom extracts. A lot of alkaloids are not very soluble in water. Kratom alkaloids are no different. They are more soluble in organic solvents. So, adding an acidic base breaks down the molecular structure of the kratom compounds. It allows the alkaloids to get into your bloodstream much faster.

Therefore, acidic bases create kratom potentiation. You can use any digestible acidic liquid. Here are a few below.

  1. Various Kinds of Vinegar: All vinegar is acidic. Pick any food-grade vinegar in your home and add a small dash to your kratom tea. Allow it to sit for a few minutes for the acid to start breaking down the kratom plant material and pass through the digestive process more quickly.
    • Apple Cider Vinegar: On its own, apple cider vinegar helps to aid the digestion process. It can kill harmful bacteria that may be present in your kratom powder.
    • Balsamic Vinegar: Many people use balsamic vinegar as a facial cleaning agent to normalize sebum production.
    • Malt Vinegar: Malted barley contains hordenine, an alkaloid with stimulating properties.
    • Rice Vinegar: Its acetic acid improves overall digestive health. Some studies suggest rice vinegar has protective benefits for the human liver.
    • Sherry Vinegar: Small daily amounts can raise good cholesterol while lowering blood sugar.
    • White Vinegar: There are several reported health benefits of white vinegar. Some include it aids in weight management, controls blood sugar, and soothes various skin inflammations. 
  2. Pineapple Juice: Besides being loaded with nutrients, pineapples contain bromelain, a group of enzymes linked to therapeutic properties.
  3. Pomegranate Juice: Pomegranates are rich in antioxidants, which help prevent free radicals from damaging skin cells.
  4. Grape Juice: The vitamins found in grapes boost your immune system.
  5. Wine: A known sedative, wine aids with sleep. In moderation, wine can promote a healthy heart.

Kratom Potentiation with Alkaloids

There are quite a few different alkaloids found in plants that work great to potentiate kratom. But some mind-altering alkaloids are illegal. However, there are legal ones available, too. And the best alkaloids that provide the best results when mixed with kratom are stimulants. Those alkaloids react with the central nervous system (CNS) to make you feel more alert when taking higher doses of kratom. They provide an extra needed pick-me-upper.

The best thing about alkaloid potentiators is you can find them at any gas station or grocery store. So, add these alkaloids to your next kratom dose to get more potent kratom effects.

  1. Caffeine: The caffeine alkaloid stimulates the central nervous system. You can find caffeine in different foods and drinks.
    • Coffee or Espresso: The most common form of caffeine intake would be to drink a cup of coffee or espresso.
    • Traditional Tea: The traditional tea plant, Camellia sinensis, contains high concentrations of caffeine.
    • Cacao Derivatives: Products manufactured from the cacao plant (like chocolate) contain various amounts of caffeine.
  2. Nicotine: Nicotine is not for everyone. It is highly addictive. But you can find the alkaloid in nicotine patches, gum, e-cigarette fluid, and tobacco products.
  3. Synthetic Alkaloids: You can find some manufactured alkaloids over the counter in stores that potentiate kratom.
    • Cimetidine: An alkaloid synthesized from histidine is cimetidine. You can purchase it as an over-the-counter medication. Cimetidine is known as Tagamet in most stores: an antihistamine and antacid. It works to occupy CYP enzymes that metabolize kratom compounds.
    • Diphenhydramine: Another synthetic alkaloid that potentiates kratom is diphenhydramine. It’s more commonly known as Benadryl. Nevertheless, diphenhydramine creates a sense of drowsiness. So, only use it to potentiate kratom at night—and never drive afterward.

Kratom Potentiation with GABAergic Agents

The gamma-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) neurotransmitters in our brains reduce excitability throughout our body’s nervous system and maintain a state of anti-anxiety.

GABAergic agents found in nature can increase the amount of available GABA when ingested.

GABAergic compounds combine with kratom and potentiate its mood-altering effects.

Here are a few known GABAergic agents listed below.

  1. Ashwagandha: Studies indicate that ashwagandha increases GABA levels and suggest ashwagandha lowers anxiety and stress.
  2. Chamomile: Humanity has used chamomile for thousands of years as an ancient folk remedy for sleep and anxiety: its active metabolite binds to the benzodiazepine (BDZ) and GABA receptors in our brains.
  3. Hops: The primary compound in hops, humulone, acts as a sleeping aid; scientific research hypothesizes an increase in GABAA receptor function mediates those sleep-inducing effects.
  4. Kava: Consumers take kava for anxiety, discomfort, and sleeplessness. Kava exerts sedative effects on GABA receptors in our brains.
  5. Magnesium: Magnesium acts by binding to NMDA receptors in our brains. It modulates anxiety by increasing the GABA neurotransmitter activity and decreasing glutamate release. Glutamate is an excitatory transmitter.
  6. Magnolia: Magnolol and honokiol, the two primary bioactive components in Magnolia bark, relieve stress. Its active compounds enhance both phasic and tonic GABAergic neurotransmission in our brains.
  7. Passionflower: Several flavonoids in passionflower bind to the benzodiazepine site of the GABAA receptor.
  8. St. John’s Wort: Besides having GABAergic properties, St. John’s Wort is also a CYP3A4 inducer. The P450 enzymes break down the kratom alkaloids quicker and speed up metabolization.
  9. Valerian Root: Valerian root is a medicinal herb that provides the user with calming and sedating effects. And scientific studies indicate valerian compounds bind to GABA receptors in our brains.

Kratom Potentiation with Spices

Humanity has used spices since the dawn of civilization to make food taste pleasant. However, most seasonings also provide health benefits alongside the flavor. Today, we will discuss a couple of spices known to potentiate other substances. Listed below are a few of the flavorings that potentiate kratom when combined.

  1. Black Pepper: Inside black pepper is an alkaloid called piperine. The compound has anti-inflammatory and antiarthritic effects. Mixing piperine with kratom powder produces more pain relief for individuals with sore muscles or arthritis than taking kratom alone.
  2. Black Seed Oil: Its active compound is thymoquinone. The bioactive compound shows promise against various diseases, including diabetes and cancer. The substance inhibits several CYP enzymes that aid in metabolizing active compounds. The reduction in kratom metabolization would make its effects last longer.
  3. Cayenne Pepper: Cayenne peppers produce alkaloids called capsaicinoids. And capsaicin is the predominant alkaloid out of the bunch. The alkaloid has antimicrobial and anti-virulence properties. When capsaicin contacts pain receptors in our brains, it releases endorphins. And that adds to the euphoria produced by kratom.
  4. Ginger: The root of ginger has active phenolic and terpene compounds. Not only does ginger help mediate intestinal issues, but it aids in digestion. The increased metabolization of kratom powder can make its effects felt quicker.
  5. Turmeric: The spice has both anti-inflammatory and anti-cancerous properties. And the primary curcuminoid in turmeric is curcumin, which slows down digestion. So, when taken with kratom, the digestive process lasts longer. That leads to a more prolonged and mellow kratom effect.

Kratom Potentiation with Herbs

Kratom is not the only herb that is known to produce therapeutic effects. Other herbs exist that perform a similar function. Adding those herbs together with kratom potentiates the analgesic effects of both herbs. That creates a more powerful combination for relieving discomfort. Try some of the herbs listed below.

  1. Akuamma Seeds: Akuammidine, akuammine, akuammicine, and akuammigine are some of the alkaloids present in the seeds of Picralima nitida: Akuamma. And scientific studies report that those compounds produce analgesic activity in our brains.
  2. Blue Lotus Flower: The Egyptian water lily contains apomorphine, aporphine, and nuciferine. Apomorphine is an active alkaloid that acts as a non-selective dopamine agonist. Therefore, it can uplift your mood and potentiate kratom.
  3. Cat’s Claw: Cat’s claw is another herb that potentiates kratom. The herb contains the alkaloid rhynchophylline—also present in Mitragyna speciosa: kratom. The alkaloid acts as an N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) antagonist. And scientific studies have shown that NMDA antagonists are beneficial for treating discomfort.
  4. Damiana: The plant has an active bioflavonoid compound called apigenin. It can induce relaxation in muscles and has sedating effects. Mixed with kratom, it potentiates those same kratom benefits.
  5. Kanna: Herbalists use kanna to elevate moods and reduce anxiety. Its active compounds (mesembrine and mesembrenone) are responsible for psychoactive effects. When mixed with kratom, it potentiates those kratom benefits.
  6. Lavender: The aromatic effects of the oil in lavender have calming effects. Those benefits can potentiate the relaxation effects of kratom.
  7. Moringa: The tea contains an active compound called moringine. It acts as a potent agonist of TRPA2—a sensor of pain found on our plasma membrane, hence creating analgesic effects that can potentiate kratom.
  8. Watercress: The plant contains phenethyl isothiocyanate (PEITC). The compound acts as a cytochrome P450 (P450) enzyme inhibitor, which slows down the metabolization of kratom. Therefore, its effects last longer.
  9. White Willow Bark: Willow bark is a timeless herbal remedy used for its analgesic properties. Combined with kratom, the two accentuate each other’s pain-relieving properties.

Kratom Potentiation with Cannabinoids

There are over 120 known cannabinoids that science has discovered. And each of these compounds has different effects on our brain chemistry and physiology. The cannabinoid tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) produces the known high consumers are accustomed to feeling. However, the high that accompanies smoking marijuana overwhelms the kratom effects. So, mixing THC with kratom diminishes the euphoric effect that kratom produces for some kratom users. For that reason, it is best not to combine the two.

Still, the other cannabinoids found in cannabis are non-intoxicating. Instead, those molecules produce calming and relaxing states. Here are a few of the cannabinoids that potentiate kratom euphoria.

  1. Cannabidiol (CBD): CBD oil helps to regulate an individual’s mood, creating a feeling of calmness. Mixed with kratom, it boosts those effects.  
  2. Cannabigerol (CBG): Evidence suggests CBG has some therapeutic properties and fights inflammation. That cannabinoid works great with kratom.
  3. Cannabinol (CBN): CBN is considered a weaker version of THC. Consequently, its potentiating effects are more subtle, allowing the kratom benefits to shine.
  4. Cannabis: Using the entire cannabis bud can create an entourage effect of all its active compounds, thereby potentiating kratom more potently.
  5. Delta 8 THC: The compound is structurally like delta-9 THC. Therefore, it has the same potentiating properties as THC.
  6. Industrial Hemp Flower: Industrial hemp has all known cannabinoids in it. However, it only has 0.3% of THC. So, there is no risk of getting high with that flower. You could ingest edibles made from hemp or smoke the buds to get the most from cannabinoid potentiation.
  7. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC): The THC compound produces feelings of euphoria and relaxation while relieving mild discomfort. Taken with kratom, it potentiates those effects.

Kratom Potentiation by Freezing Kratom

Besides mixing kratom with known potentiators, you can also freeze kratom tea to potentiate the kratom effects. Science provides an answer using temperatures. The easy-to-use chemistry procedure breaks down the cellular walls of the kratom molecules whenever frozen. That allows the kratom alkaloids to get broken down during digestion much faster. Therefore, you feel the kratom effects more quickly.

People refer to the method as the red bubble kratom technique. It is a simple procedure that you can do at home. Everyone should try it. The kratom red bubble method also allows you to store your kratom tea for long durations without the worry it might spoil. Thaw it out whenever you’re ready to consume. Drink it cold or heat it for a hot beverage.

Buy Quality Kratom for Best Potentiation Results

The primary goal for potentiating kratom is to make the kratom products feel more potent. However, buying high-quality kratom can alleviate the need for kratom potentiation. However, potentiating potent kratom can make the effects more pronounced.

Regardless, make sure that you buy kratom from a prestigious company that cares for the welfare of its customers and the kratom industry. Shop with Prometheus Products to buy the most potent Maeng Da strains online.

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