Prometheus Products Logo and Emblem situated over Kratom Plants in the background.

How To Take Kratom

There are lots of ways to consume kratom. In fact, the number of ways to use kratom is right on par with the different kratom varieties marketed on the internet. And everyone should find the right way to take kratom that works for them.

However, kratom acts as a diuretic. As a result, dehydration is the most common side effect: much like coffee. So, make sure that you are staying well hydrated throughout the day.

Kratom And Its Consumption

After you buy some kratom powder, you need to ingest it. So, here are some of the ways people consume kratom.

Using Kratom Powder

Kratom powder is the most common product bought on the market. The powder is easy to store and has a long shelf life. But kratom powder has a bite to it. The robust flavor of kratom is too much for some people. And that’s because kratom has a bitter taste to it. If the taste of kratom is overwhelming to you, then try other various means of consumption. There are several methods to take kratom that help mask its flavor.

Drinking Kratom Tea

The most traditional way to consume kratom is by preparing tea. Kratom powder is placed in hot water to release the alkaloids in the liquid. Afterward, the individual drinks the tea. But there are different ways to prepare kratom tea. Let us look at a few right now.

Traditional Kratom Tea Preparation

The customary way to prepare kratom tea is by boiling the water in a tea kettle. Then, you pour the water into a mug or glass, adding the kratom powder to the hot water. And you can choose different ways to make your kratom tea.

  1. You can use tea bags to hold the kratom mixture. That allows you to steep the teabag in the water while limiting any plant byproducts in the tea.
  2. Another way is to use a tea strainer. You put your kratom in the strainer and submerge it in a glass of boiling water. It lets you steep your kratom tea without the use of a teabag. However, you would need to purchase crushed kratom leaf instead of powder. The fine mesh sieve only works to catch oversized material compared to its wire mesh. Powder particles would fall right through it.
  3. A tea infuser produces kratom tea, quite like a tea strainer does. But the tea infuser sits entirely in the container, resting on the bottom. And the brewing basket allows you to add a lot more kratom at once. However, you would also need to have crushed kratom leaf.

Quick and Easy Kratom Tea

Sometimes, you may want to make kratom tea quickly. In those instances, you can use a method for making kratom tea that is not time-consuming. And there are a couple of ways to accomplish the feat.

  1. Heat a mug of water in the microwave until it begins to boil. Then add the kratom powder to the cup afterward. Let the kratom tea cool down. Stir the kratom tea and drink.
  2. Boil your water and pour it into a glass. Pour your kratom dose directly into the water. Give the kratom tea enough time to cool before drinking. The powdered kratom is perfectly safe to ingest with the water. But you may want to stir it up as you drink it. Otherwise, the sediment remains at the bottom of your cup.
  3. Put your kratom powder directly into the water as it lightly simmers. Make sure you use the proper amount of water for the desired serving. Allow the kratom tea to boil gently for 10 to 15 minutes. Afterward, pour it into a glass. When it has cooled down, enjoy your kratom tea.

The Advantages Of Boiling Kratom Tea

Some people argue that boiling kratom degrades or destroys the alkaloids in kratom. But that is entirely untrue. The alkaloids in kratom begin breaking down around at temperatures higher than 102 degrees. Yet, scientists use Celsius for that measurement. So, we are talking 215.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Water boils at a constant 212 degrees Fahrenheit. That means you cannot reach the required temperature to destroy kratom alkaloids by boiling water with the kratom in it.

  1. Why would you want to boil kratom?

Kratom is a plant material. As such, bacterial contaminants can grow in the finished product. But bacterial contamination cannot survive prolonged exposure to high temperatures. Boiling the water with the kratom still in it makes sure you are ingesting nothing but its beneficial molecules. Maintaining a healthy body should be a paramount concern.

Masking The Taste Of Kratom Tea

Kratom tea can be an acquired taste for some. The bitterness is overwhelming to those individuals. But there are ways to alter its flavor to suit your preferences.

  1. Adding honey to kratom tea gives it a more appealing taste. The sweetness of the honey cuts through the bitterness of the kratom. Besides, raw honey is healthy for you, too.
  2. Adding lemon juice does nothing to mask the bitterness. But the sourness of the lemon overpowers the kratom flavor. Also, lemon is acidic, which potentiates the alkaloids, making it stronger and lasting longer.
  3. Adding cacao powder to the kratom tea makes it more flavorful. It gives it a chocolate taste. And cacao has stimulating effects. So, it boosts the energy the kratom provides.
  4. Treat kratom like coffee. Add some creamer, milk, or sugar. After all, kratom is related to the coffee plant.

Mixing Kratom With Beverages

Some people like to mix kratom with beverages they already drink. The primary drinks used are fruit juices. Most people mix kratom with orange juice. Fresh squeezed orange juice works best. Its citrus flavor pairs well with kratom. But any fruit juice will work. Even lemonade gets touted by kratom users as a great mixer.

Others like to combine kratom powder with sports drinks. Gatorade and Powerade are two examples. Not only does it make a more palatable kratom beverage, but it also has the added electrolytes that are necessary to stop dehydration.

We have even heard of people using sodas and energy drinks to mix with kratom powder.  

Mixing Kratom With Food

Another option to take kratom is by mixing it in your food. A lot of people choose soft, creamy food choices like applesauce or fruit-flavored yogurt. However, keep in mind, putting food in your stomach alongside kratom can decrease the kratom effects that you experience.

Toss N’ Wash Kratom

The “toss n’ wash” method for taking kratom gets the job over with quickly, without dealing too much with the taste. You can easily scoop your dosage of kratom into your mouth with a spoon and chase it with a beverage of your choice. Swish your mouth with the drink before swallowing. That keeps all the kratom powder from sticking to the inside of your mouth and teeth.

But before using the toss n’ wash method, you must make sure that you buy kratom from a reputable company. Otherwise, you risk swallowing live contaminants and aggravating your gut.

Some kratom users complain that they accidentally inhale some of the kratom powder when using this method. Luckily, there are other ways to ingest raw kratom powder.

Use Oblate Discs To Parachute Kratom

Oblate discs are film-like wrappers made from rice starch. So, the sheets of film are just as edible as kratom. Plus, they are easy to use. First, you scoop your kratom dose onto the middle of the oblate disc. Then, fold it over on itself: much like a burrito. Afterward, grab it with your fingers, keeping it closed together. And dip it in the water and let go. As soon as the water hits the oblate disc, it seals it shut. Then, you can scoop out the kratom disc and swallow it with some liquid. 

Kratom Capsules

Another way to take raw kratom powder is by using kratom capsules. You can purchase all-ready-filled kratom capsules online. But you can also make them yourself. Purchasing a kratom capsule machine makes the job easier for those of you who prefer to do-it-yourself.  

Kratom Extracts

For the people who want to have more power behind their kratom intake, kratom extracts produce a nice punch. Kratom extracts are a concentrated form of kratom alkaloids. The alkaloids are collected in an extraction process, leaving behind a condensed kratom formula. And you can make kratom extract yourself. But please remember that you cannot rival the potency of kratom extracts. Tolerance to kratom can develop quickly using kratom extracts. So, make sure you use it sparingly.

Kratom Gummies

Kratom gummies are a great way to take kratom. Plus, you can make kratom gummies in your kitchen. However, you will need kratom extract as an ingredient. But if you prefer going an easier route, you can purchase kratom gummies online, too. Kratom gummies come in both gelatinous and vegan forms. So, take your pick. And there a several flavors of kratom gummies.

Kratom Shots

Kratom shots are condensed forms of kratom tea. So, you only have a small amount to swallow. Most companies sell kratom shots in 2 oz bottles. But the kratom shots contain higher concentrations of kratom alkaloids than average kratom tea. That means you get a lot more of the good stuff in a little kratom shot. Plus, you can find kratom shots in various flavors. So, pick your favorite. But like kratom extracts, tolerance builds extremely fast when you take kratom shots daily. So, use sparingly.

Kratom Sodas

Kratom sodas are the newest kratom product on the market. They provide a needed boost—much like energy drinks. Plus, they taste delicious. And you can purchase kratom sodas online. But you can make kratom soda at home, too. All you must do is add the necessary amount of kratom extract to any soda. Besides, you are in control of the strength whenever you make your own.

Kratom Smoothies

Kratom smoothies are a delicious treat. And it is easy to make. Throw all your favorite ingredients together into a blender. Then add some kratom powder to the recipe. Blend it and enjoy. Now, you have a mouth-watering and healthy beverage to kickstart your day.

Kratom Popsicles

Kratom popsicles are incredibly delightful. Blend real fruit pieces, lemon juice, sugar, and kratom. Use whatever fruit you prefer. Then take the mixture and pour it into popsicle trays. Allow it to freeze overnight. Then, get ready to devour those kratom popsicles.

Kratom Ice Cream / Kratom Milkshakes

Kratom ice cream and kratom milkshakes are easy treats to make. Prepare a milkshake as you usually would. But, at the very end, throw in some kratom powder into the mix. Then blend away. You can drink it down as a kratom milkshake. However, you can put the milkshake into the freezer to thicken and harden. Then, you can take it out to eat as kratom ice cream. And you can use any flavor you choose. So, pick your favorites. 

Kratom Red Bubble

The red bubble technique is freezing kratom tea. The frozen kratom forces cell lysis to occur and weakens the molecular structure of its compounds. As the ice freezes, it pushes the alkaloids to the center, where a red bubble forms. Afterward, you thaw it out to drink.

Chewing Kratom Leaves

In Southeast Asia, kratom farmers chew the kratom leaves while they work. Fresh kratom is a great way to get the necessary alkaloid content in your system. Unfortunately, you would need fresh kratom leaves to utilize this method. And since kratom is grown in the rainforest regions, that is not an option in the United States.

Try Different Kratom Varieties

There are more ways to consume kratom than we can name. We would be here all day if we tried. But take the time to test each kratom ingestion method. You may find a new preferred formula. And when experimenting with the different ways to take kratom, try each kratom variety, too.

Ways Not To Consume Kratom

Now, we have discussed quite a few ways to consume kratom. But we would also like to cover a couple of ways that you should never try. Both of the following methods have adverse effects on your health.

Smoking Kratom

Smoking kratom is ill-advisable. Sure, it is possible to smoke dried kratom leaves. But you lose alkaloid content the minute that a flame touches it. The temperature of a flame is approximately ten times hotter than the necessary temperature to destroy kratom alkaloids. So, smoking kratom is a waste of kratom products. Besides, the only thing you accomplish is damaging your lungs.

Snorting Kratom

Snorting kratom is never recommended. Most of the kratom product is plant material. So, you would need to shove a bunch of the kratom up your nostril to feel even a slight effect. Besides that, bacterial contaminants possibly exist in kratom powder. And you would not want to inhale bacteria into your lungs. The results could end with a deadly health condition.

*** This information is intended for educational purposes only. The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated these statements.

These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Anyone suffering from any disease, illness, or injury should consult with a physician. Always seek counsel from your doctor before taking dietary supplements. ***