Maeng Da Kratom — Strain Information, Kratom Effects, and How Much Maeng Da Dosage to Use

Maeng Da tea in teacup next to pot of Maeng Da tea.

Maeng Da kratom holds its title as the most sought-after kratom strain on the market. Kratom connoisseurs agree Maeng Da is the most potent kratom variety. They swear MD Kratom (kratom industry jargon for Maeng Da Kratom) has more pronounced kratom effects than other strains. Yet, MD Kratom isn’t technically a strain. It’s Southeast Asian terminology in the kratom industry that denotes quality kratom products. Let us explain.

What Does “Maeng Da” Mean in English?

The loose translation of “maeng da” into English is “pimp.” While some say Maeng Da is a Thai term, the slang probably originated in Laos. The first historical account of maeng da comes from an American military operation named by the Central Intelligence Agency: Operation Maeng Da.

In retrospect, that historical record makes an arguable case that “maeng da” began as slang in the Lao language. However, the Lao and Thai languages are technically the same; therefore, it’s no surprise that both Laotian and Thai people use the term now.

The literal meaning of Maeng Da shifted throughout the decades. Most slang does. While “maeng da” might have had derogatory undertones in the past, that’s no longer the case. Maeng Da, or “pimp,” now means an item attracts more value; hence, kratom farmers label their most potent kratom batches as Maeng Da.

What Is Maeng Da Kratom?

Technically, Maeng Da is not a standalone kratom strain. The kratom leaves used to make MD kratom can come from the same trees used to make other notable strains.

The rudimentary difference in the categorization of Maeng Da comes from the potency levels of the leaves during its harvest. A higher concentration of kratom alkaloids in those leaves indicates its kratom effects are more discernable for consumers.

As such, farm hands identify abundantly potent batches of kratom leaves and set them aside to create MD Kratom varieties: kratom strains and varieties are not the same. Now, we should differentiate them both.

Understanding The Difference Between MD Kratom Strains and Varieties

Contrary to popular opinion, the only known kratom strain that exists is Mitragyna speciosa—the scientific name of the kratom tree. Currently, there are no separate species, subspecies, or cultivars of kratom.

As a result, the phrase “kratom strain” is a misnomer. The same can be said of “kratom varieties” as well. However, you have undoubtedly seen, heard, or referred to several kratom products as a strain or variety. We all have. Nonetheless, that’s all kratom industry jargon.

Regardless, those designations of kratom products have become deep-rooted in the industry; therefore, it’s best to define the difference between kratom strains and kratom varieties to the uninitiated.

Maeng Da Kratom Strains

Kratom strains refer to the color of veins in a kratom leaf. The ovate-shaped kratom leaves have a pinnate venation pattern of veins. The coloration of those veins changes as the leaf grows and gets more sunlight. The veins start as white. Later, they turn green. Finally, they become red at maturity.

Nonetheless, most kratom leaves inside each strain have red veins since they’re the most mature. However, some white and green kratom vein leaves get picked, too. It’s a manual labor task, after all.

While kratom strain names depict the color of veins in the leaf, the coloration of the kratom powder arises from fermentation and drying techniques used by kratom farmers.

White Vein Kratom gets dried indoors in the shade. White kratom goes through the most prolonged drying process of them all. The process requires more attention to ward off mildew contamination.

Green Vein Kratom also begins its drying process indoors. However, Green Kratom gets placed under sunlight to help it dry more quickly. That hastened drying technique allows those leaves to stay greener and retain more phytonutrients.

Red Vein Kratom gets completely dried outdoors beneath the rays of the sun. Sunlight speeds up the oxidation process and turns the leaves a golden-red color. As it oxidizes, the alkaloid composition changes significantly.

MD Kratom Varieties

Besides the three primary kratom stains, you can find other kratom varieties. Suppliers use additional fermentation and drying procedures to create them. Some kratom varieties result from blending two or more preexisting kratom strains. Those methods change the alkaloid profile of the finished kratom powdered product, providing new kratom effects for the consumer.

Types of Maeng Da Kratom Selections

Now that we know Maeng Da is the most potent variety of kratom, we should cover the several MD Kratom Selections available. The most common are Green MD, Red MD, and White MD. Yet, a few newcomers have made the appearance known in recent years.

Green Maeng Da Kratom

Green Maeng Da Kratom is the #1 kratom variety sold on the market. Farmers in Indonesia work tirelessly to identify and isolate the most potent leaves during a harvest. Then they perform rigorous cultivation and manufacturing methods to create the superior green vein kratom variety we all love so well. Green Maeng Da truly is the crème de la crème of kratom products.

Some vendors create specialty blends and call them Green MD; however, we find that maneuver dishonest at Prometheus Products. We allow the kratom farmers who tend their kratom trees in Indonesia to make the distinction for us. After all, they’re the ones who know their crops the best.

Prometheus Products Green Maeng Da Kratom is 100% green vein kratom. We refuse to tamper with Mother Nature.

Green Maeng Da Kratom Benefits

Green Maeng Da strikes the perfect balance between its primary kratom alkaloids: mitragynine and 7-hydroxymitragynine. As a result, the benefits of Green MD straddle the line between other kratom varieties. You get both energetic and mentally therapeutic benefits from consuming this green strain.

  • Motivational and Well-Balanced

Green Maeng Da has slightly stimulating properties. Consumers use it to give them extra motivation to accomplish set goals. They also take Green MD to uplift their mood. Its effects make users feel more sociable. Therefore, the kratom variety functions superbly for introverts at social gatherings.

Green MD Effects

When consumers take Green Maeng Da regularly, they report the following effects for the green kratom strain:

  • Increased Motivation
  • Strengthen Sociability
  • Well-Adjusted Mentality

White Maeng Da Kratom

White Maeng Da kratom makes a satisfactory substitute for coffee since it produces energizing properties for the consumer. The white-veined Maeng Da strains that go into our batches are known for their high mitragynine content. Both white Thai and white Vietnam get included in the mixture for White Maeng Da.

All white-veined kratom leaves used in the strain get cured indoors. Therefore, any oxidation that occurs within the leaves stays muted. Hardly any mitragynine converts into 7-OH during the drying procedure. As a result, White Maeng Da gives consumers a high-octane jolt of energy to accomplish all their goals.

White Maeng Da Kratom Benefits

White Maeng Da has a higher concentration of the alkaloid mitragynine. Scientific reports suggest that mitragynine increases productivity and energy levels in consumers. Therefore, White MD is a superb kratom variety to take first thing in the morning to start your day.

  • Nootropic and Energetic

White Maeng Da makes you feel alert and focused. The extra concentration and attention to detail allow consumers to get the most from their mental skills while driving a desire to learn new things. Take White MD on days you need to accomplish or catch up on tasks. You’ll breeze through them all in no time.

White MD Effects

When consumers take White Maeng Da regularly, they report the following effects for the white kratom strain:

  • High-Powered Energy
  • Cognitive Acuity
  • High-Intensity Performance

Red Maeng Da Kratom

Red Maeng Da performs as a premium therapeutic kratom strain for users seeking relief from discomfort. The kratom variety boasts one of the highest concentrations of 7-hydroxymitragynine (7-OH). 

Its increased 7-OH content comes from oxidation during the drying process under natural sunlight. That chemical process decreases its concentration of mitragynine. Therefore, the stimulating properties of Red Maeng Da are mostly absent.

Many consumers choose to take Red Maeng Da late in the evenings. We do not recommend taking large servings of the strain before operating a moving vehicle. Red MD packs a potent punch for consumers.

Red Maeng Da Kratom Benefits

Red Maeng Da generates elevated therapeutic effects due to its high concentration of 7-hydroxymitragynine (7-OH). The 7-OH alkaloid has a higher affinity for receptors that mitigate discomfort. It’s best to take Red Maeng Da late in the evening while unwinding for the day.

  • Therapeutic and Soothing

Red Maeng Da soothes distress from overexertion at work and calms an exhausted mind, making it a great nighttime strain to use before getting ready to sleep. However, you don’t need to rush off to bed so fast. You can utilize the release of tension from taking Red Maeng Da to enjoy a good book or watch your favorite show before hitting the sack.

Red MD Effects

When consumers take Red Maeng Da regularly, they report the following effects for the red kratom strain:

  • Relieves Discomfort
  • Soothes Tension
  • Induces Restfulness

Yellow Maeng Da Kratom

Several blogs online indicate that Yellow Maeng Da is a standalone kratom strain. Some say yellow varieties come from a new manufacturing technique. However, none of those articles are accurate. Yellow Maeng Da comes from blending two separate strains. Yellow Maeng Da combines primarily white-veined kratom with a bit of red-veined kratom to create the yellow kratom variety—the same goes for all yellow kratom types.

Yellow Maeng Da kratom has mostly white-veined kratom in it. Therefore, consumers can use it as a morning-time strain. However, the yellow variety can help you slump through the latter portion of your workdays. The smaller distribution of red-veined kratom in the batch allows euphoric mental stimulation to boost your mood while working.

Yellow Maeng Da Kratom Benefits

The blend of white and red kratom in Yellow Maeng Da produces an energy-boosting sensation that packs enthusiasm into your daily routine. A dose of Yellow MD first thing in the morning gives you an intense demand to begin your daily routine.

  • Enthusiastic and Dynamic

Yellow Maeng Da kratom stimulates the desire to stay active until you finish a job. After you complete the task, you’ll find it difficult not to start on another activity. The need to succeed pushes you to reach your full potential. Make sure you use Yellow MD around mid-morning to the early afternoon if you want to hit peak performance during the day.

Yellow MD Effects

When consumers take Yellow Maeng Da regularly, they report the following effects for the yellow kratom strain:

  • Energetic Activity
  • Mental Stamina
  • Vigorous Productivity

Plantation Maeng Da Kratom

On kratom tree plantations across Southeast Asia, farmers cultivate several varieties of plantation kratom used to make a specialty blend. Plantation Maeng Da mixes mostly green-veined kratom with white-veined kratom to make the plantation kratom variety. The green-veined kratom supports cognitive and behavioral adjustments in attitude, while the white-veined kratom selection gives you more energy.

Only the most select, potent kratom leaves get used in the manufacturing process to make Plantation MD kratom powder. The strain’s concentration of mentally stimulating and energetic-boosting alkaloids testifies to the dedication to craft that kratom suppliers consistently perform on kratom plantation farms.

Plantation Maeng Da Kratom Benefits

Plantation Maeng Da keeps you high-spirited and animated after it kicks in. The blend of green and white kratom merges to nourish your mental well-being. The Plantation Maeng Da increases feelings of joy while acting as an adaptogen: it promotes homeostasis for emotional health.

  • Spirited and Inventive

Plantation Maeng Da promotes innovative thoughts, allowing a continuous flood of ideas to entertain your imagination. Consider using Plantation MD before working on an artistic project. The strain boosts your creative power and enhances the output of artwork. The creativity that plantation kratom produces is an amazing experience.

Plantation MD Effects

When consumers take Plantation Maeng Da regularly, they report the following effects for the plantation kratom strain:

  • Cerebral Excitement
  • More Outgoing
  • Inspires Creativity

Gold Maeng Da Kratom

Gold kratom varieties consist of combining two or more kratom strains. Gold Maeng Da blends mainly white-veined and green-veined MD kratom with a smaller portion of red vein kratom. Together, the molecular compounds in the green and white kratom generate a jubilant satisfaction with life. The red vein variety in the Gold Maeng Da formula magnifies those effects by producing a euphoric mental state.

The heightened sense of awareness consumers gain from Gold MD alkaloids produces a panoramic perspective of mental clarity. That activated performance of mental stability leaves you undistracted by daily interruptions and emanates a confident personality to those around you.

Gold Maeng Da Kratom Benefits

The white and green kratom mixture in Gold Maeng Da has mood-elevating properties that provide an upbeat demeanor. The insertion of a small dose of red kratom in the ingredients manifests euphoric sensations that make Gold Maeng Da considered a “happy herb.”

  • Cheerful and Confident

Not only does Gold Maeng Da lift your mood, but it supports an optimistic outlook as well. Use Gold MD on days when you’re feeling down and need to add some emotional balance to your schedule. Once the gold strain starts taking effect, it should produce a glass-is-half-full point of view. That shift in perspective can get you back on the right track.

Gold MD Effects

When consumers take Gold Maeng Da regularly, they report the following effects for the gold kratom strain:

  • Ambitious Drive
  • Uplifted Disposition
  • Reassured Perspective

Chocolate Maeng Da Kratom

Chocolate Maeng Da is an equal-part mixture of green-veined and red-veined kratom. A small amount of white vein kratom gets included, too. Some consumers refer to chocolate kratom as Bentuangie—named after a fermentation process it undergoes.

Chocolate Maeng Da kratom leaves are picked and placed directly in plastic bags. Inside the bag, the leaves ferment. The hastened, man-made oxidation process converts mitragynine levels into 7-hydroxymitragynine (7-OH). During the expedited oxidative technique, a small concentration of mitragynine pseudoindoxyl develops a more potent molecular form of 7-OH. Therefore, the therapeutic properties of Chocolate Maeng Da rival other red varieties.

Chocolate MD kratom works best in the evening or late at night. If you take kratom during afternoon hours, it lets you relax in comfort without worrying about work.

Chocolate Maeng Da Kratom Benefits

The combined properties of green and red kratom elevate the concentration of therapeutic alkaloids found in Chocolate Maeng Da. The Red Riau kratom in the mixture goes through an additional fermentation process known as Bentuangie, which increases the 7-hydroxymitragynine content. That makes Chocolate MD a great strain to restore and revitalize your body.

  • Restorative And Peaceful

Chocolate Maeng Da has green-veined kratom in the blend that uplifts your mood and brings about peaceful thoughts. Many consumers take Chocolate MD before bedtime or late in the evening. However, we include a small dose of white vein kratom in the mixture. Therefore, you can stay up and enjoy the vibes while relaxing.

Chocolate MD Effects

When consumers take Chocolate Maeng Da regularly, they report the following effects for the chocolate kratom strain:

  • Mitigates Discomfort
  • Eases Restlessness
  • Pleasant Sensation

Tropic Thunder Maeng Da Kratom

Tropic Thunder Maeng Da mixes green, white, and red vein kratom. That gives the consumer the best-combined effects from all three Maeng Da strains. You get increased mental and physical stimulation from the green and white kratom varieties, plus the consistent therapeutic properties of red-veined alkaloid profiles. In unison, the compounds enhance social activity.

The green and white Maeng Da strains make consumers more mentally and socially outgoing. Consequently, the euphoric sensations from red kratom compounds influence a positive experience, leading to more meaningful social connections and interactions with friends, family, and even acquaintances. We recommend Tropic Thunder MD kratom for introverts working in a corporate environment. The Tropic Thunder kratom strain makes office settings more tolerable.

Tropic Thunder Maeng Da Kratom Benefits

Tropic Thunder Maeng Da is a specialty house blend we make at Prometheus Products. We combine equal parts of green, white, and red kratom to amplify the effects of each strain. Together, Tropic Thunder MD produces a more outgoing experience for the user. The kratom variety makes communication more prevalent at social gatherings.

  • Communicative and Encouraging

Mood-enhancing effects from Tropic Thunder Maeng Da encourage and stimulate thought-provoking ideas and discussion. We recommend taking Tropic Thunder MD whenever you want to put your critical thinking skills to the test or boost your creative output. The euphoric sensations this strain produces facilitate the perfect mind frame for mindful meditation.

Tropic Thunder MD Kratom Effects

When consumers take Tropic Thunder Maeng Da regularly, they report the following effects for the tropic thunder kratom strain:

  • Propels Thought
  • Heightened Sociability
  • Mood Enhancement

Maeng Da Kratom Dosage Recommendation

Kratom dosage recommendations for Maeng Da Kratom can shift from one person to the next. Body and brain chemistry can alter metabolization rates. Likewise, the therapeutic demand for kratom products acts as another variable. However, we all must start somewhere.

The recommended kratom serving sizes listed below adequately represent most people. For beginners, take the lowest suggested dose first. Wait until the effects kick in to determine if more is necessary: kratom effects are noticeable after 30-45 minutes.

  • Low Kratom Dose: 1-2 Grams of Maeng Da
  • Moderate Kratom Dose: 2-4 Grams of Maeng Da
  • Heavy Kratom Dose: 4-6 Grams of Maeng Da
  • Extremely High Kratom Dose: 6+ Grams of Maeng Da

We do not recommend an extremely high dose for new kratom users. Only individuals seeking therapeutic relief typically take those doses. However, larger serving sizes can quickly lead to kratom tolerance issues.

Note to Consumers: Make sure to use kratom responsibly.

How to Potentiate the Effects of MD Kratom

Instead of taking a larger dosage of Maeng Da to feel more pronounced effects, try using a kratom potentiator to intensify the therapeutic properties of alkaloids. Many herbs, spices, and psychoactive compounds can potentiate kratom. Try any of the best kratom potentiators to increase MD kratom effects without the risk of building a tolerance to kratom.

However, you can always consider using Maeng Da-derived extracts. The concentrated dose of alkaloids lets you take smaller serving sizes. You can even perform a simple do-it-yourself alkaloid extraction method at home. The red bubble kratom alkaloid extraction technique uses your freezer to intensify MD kratom effects.

Prometheus Products Maeng Da Kratom Selections

Always purchase your kratom from a reputable kratom company like Prometheus Products. Every Maeng Da selection we provide goes through a rigorous vetting process before we hand-select them. The concentration of kratom alkaloids must stay consistent with the quality demanded by MD kratom consumers. After all, Maeng Da Kratom is considered the fine wine of kratom products.

Take the time to go over all the Maeng Da Kratom strains we sell and find a selection that best suits your needs—the alkaloid profiles differ with each variety. Once you pick one of our exquisite MD kratom selections, you can easily buy kratom with cryptocurrencies using a secure Coinbase payment processor.

For any questions regarding MD Kratom, contact our customer support team. They’ll provide you with educated responses to all your concerns. We want you to have a positive herbal experience.

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